Born in the mighty hills of Northern New Jersey, Sam Lozier has always had the mountains in his blood. His family began skiing at Smugglers Notch before Sam can remember. By second grade Sam had developed a taste for glade skiing while exploring them with the Smugglers Notch ski school. The family later moved their ski hobby to Stratton where the shorter drive insured more on-hill time.
Though Sam first started skiing trees at Smugglers Notch, Sam’s infatuation only grew during his time with the Stratton Junior Mogul Team. Bored out of his mind, Sam would frequently skip out of bump training on World Cup to go explore the unmarked areas between the trail. Though he hasn’t been back in years, Sam still has fond memories of Kidderbrook Ravine, Vertigo, and Shred Wood Forest .
As Sam entered high school, he took up backpacking, a sport which had long been of interest to him. After several near death experiences, Sam signed up for, and completed, a month long NOLS course in Olympic National Park between his Junior and Senior years. After graduating, he completed a 13 day solo through-hike of Vermont’s Long Trail at age 17. Backpacking appealed to Sam because, unlike resort skiing, it encouraged exploration, self-reliance, and brought Sam to wild places. Backpacking lacked the excitement of skiing though.
During his Senior year of high school, Sam was finally able to combine the two outdoors sports that he loved on his first backcountry ski trip; a rainy weekend outing to Tuckerman Ravine. Around the same time, Sam decided to attend college at the University of Vermont, this was in large part due to the school’s proximity to the mountains and its large skiing population. During his tenure at UVM, Sam spent all of his time skiing, thinking about skiing, or working hard to make time for skiing. During his Junior year, he logged an impressive 130 day season while taking a full course load. Sam has now all but lost interest in lift served skiing and has sought refuge in the backcountry where he pursues his love affair with exploration, self reliance, and untracked powder, away from the crowds. In an effort to broaden his mountain skill set, Sam has completed the AIARE Level I and II snow safety courses with Chauvin Guides and taken up both rock and ice climbing.
Sam’s skiing adventures have taken him to the Rockies, the Cascades, Alaska, British Colombia, and the Indian states of Kashmir and Himachel Padresh.
In 2008, Sam won a photo contest being put on by Bluehouse Skis, and was hired as a content contributor for the ski blog on their website. The following year he was contacted by Boston.com, and hired as a content contributor for boston.com’s “Ski Guru Blog” for the 2009-2010 winter season. During the summer of 2009, Sam and Greg launched this website, a labor-of-love project that has far exceeded their initial expectations.
Sam currently lives 30 minutes from the start of the skin track up Mt. Baker with his dog Chester, and friend Allen. Sam would love to hear your feedback about any aspect of the website, and would even encourage you to stop by for a beer on your way to Mt. Baker… er.. well maybe you should stop by on your way back.