All articles tagged as 'GAPEril'
High Four
April 30th, 2012 | By: Greg | 8 Comments
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This Spring isn't done yet, and it dished up a nice upslope event last Friday/Saturday, GAPERil 27th/28th. This wasn't quite as great of a storm as "How," but it was certainly good enough for not just a high one... ...or a high two... ...nor a high three... ...but actually it was good enough ... ...Read more |
Late GAPEril Powder!
April 27th, 2012 | By: Greg | 4 Comments
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We got out for a quick lap of some late GAPEril powder this morning: You need to get out there! Jay Peak Resort is spinning lifts tomorrow, and a serious upslope storm is overhead RIGHT NOW. MOVE UP to Jay and Schuss the East! |
TR: Spring From High to Low
April 17th, 2012 | By: Greg
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A tour of this spring-so-far from high to low. |
Cursed Schuss Two (or: Gape-ril Finally Ends)
April 30th, 2010 | By: Greg | 4 Comments
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With all the new snow, some routes down the mountain are back online that we thought would be out until next year. We aimed for the cursed schuss again, hoping for glory, faceshots, and high fives. However, as usual we were snubbed. The target already got hit; darn tub-copter! Snaked ... ...Read more |
TR: A Completely Average April
April 26th, 2010 | By: The F.I.S.
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The entire crew, except for Porter, who has a boo-bo, and Lionel, who has a job, was on hand to ski an unexpected series of storms that hit Mount Washington over the last week and a half. This one goes out to a good internet-friend of the internet-skiers: ThinCover ... ...Read more |
VTah Vermont Powder Skiing East Coast Lionel Hutz Weather ski forecast Allen Taylor Vermont Weather Powder Skiing Upslope snow Ski Weather lionelhutz Powder Sam Lozier West Coast Backcountry Skiing Ben Peters Utah New Hampshire lionelhutz ski weather Vermont Ski Weather Mount Washington Vermont Ski Forecast Vermont Upslope Snow
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