XI. The Final Tour

By:  Sam
November 14, 2009

Steve and I crashed in his camper that night after eating a very hearty meal of heart-attack mac and cheese. We met another TAY’er in the parking lot that night, and invited him on the tour the next day. The tour turned out well, great snow on the way down, but we didn’t get to rock climb due to a persistent wind, and some clouds from the onshore flow. The skiing was top notch, and for day 129 I certainly wasn’t going to complain about skiing on the summer equinox. Now we can all say that the days are getting shorter, and that Winter is on the way!

– A nice sunset from the east side.

– Shawn and Steve getting ready, with the camper in the background.

– Apparently it’s called the “dry-side” for a reason.

– This is supposed to be the single biggest hunk of Granite in the world. I’m not sure where that came from, the Canadian shield seems pretty damn big to me, but hey, lets run with it.

– Steve, starting our descent before the rain arrived.

– Shawn, doing the same.

Well, that’s the end of the journey. It was one of the craziest trips I’ve ever been on, but it worked out great. I saw a huge portion of the country, met some great people, and skied some jaw dropping terrain. If you ever get a chance to travel like this, I can’t recommend it enough.


Read about the author:   Sam
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