A Trip to the far East, Exploring Americas Hat

By:  Sam
August 26, 2009

Participants: Ben Peters, Greg, me, and 3 DOC’rs
Purpose: Penetrate deep into enemy territory to the far North East. Scout campsites, future ski goals, and record the habits of the local population.
Soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvfAA…layer_embedded
Directions: Drive North, Turn to the Right, Drive East, arrive at destination.
Further plans: none

Things got weird as we approached the border:

They stayed weird for the entire time we were in bizzaro-america.

The first firm evedence that we were actually in Quebec:

Every car had a trailer hitch and most seemed to be towing a run down trailer with a random assortment of possessions.

Soon after the last shot was taken, the sun went down and all the Canadians went to bed. The roads were clear and we drove onward and eastward.

Fuel and food ran low just as the highway ran out to the east of Quebec City. We sought emergency provisions at the american embassy  , but for some strange reason they didn’t want american money. Confused and hungry we got back on the highway.

We arrived in the Parc du Gaspe at 130 american time (not sure what that is in metric), threw down the tent and jumped in. The snow acted like a memory foam mattress, made a nice impression of our bodies and then never rebounded (very un-foam like). After a night of tossing and turning and being cold we rolled out of the tent at 7am to find ourselves in the middle of a field surrounded by heated, reservation-only cabins, no where near the tenting area. Realizing we had been spotted, and potentially compromised by the locals, we beat a hasty retreat to the safety of the cars.

Our next stop was the Chic-Choc’s themselves, to try and do some skiing.

We expected an empty wilderness, so we were bewildered when we encountered this on the hike into the Serpentine hut:

Still, the skiing didn’t look too bad:

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Read about the author:   Sam
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Spring From High to Low


  1. NIC
    wrote on October 2nd, 2009 at 10:57 pm  

    Very funny. I’m Canadian by the way. Just a comment about that bigfoot truck pic you took. You have everything imaginable over there. You have to stop there one time in your life. There used to be by a sex-o-gaz, where strippers fill your gaz pump, but it doesn’t exist anymore. You know a man has to refuel once in a while.

    In the Chic Choc if you go out of the park itself, you can ask locals to give you a snowbile ride a couple hours in the BC to ski untracked crazy places.

    • Greg
      wrote on October 3rd, 2009 at 11:38 am  

      Glad you can appreciate our humor NIC :D… Also thanks for the info! I’d Love to get in contact with you more extensively about the Chic Chocs… use the contact button up top to get in touch with us…

  2. Gab
    wrote on March 2nd, 2010 at 10:55 pm  

    Great TR, but the pics aren’t showing anymore.

    • Greg
      wrote on March 3rd, 2010 at 12:26 am  

      wow you’re right! Sam’s off in India and I doubt he can take care of this now… and I’m not sure where the pictures are living currently.

      I’ll look into it and try to get it fixed. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Greg
    wrote on April 9th, 2010 at 9:14 pm  


    none of these photos work

    • M.O.
      wrote on April 10th, 2010 at 2:48 pm  

      atleast the McDonalds photo is working! hah

  4. Sam
    wrote on June 17th, 2010 at 6:09 pm  

    Photos are GO! READ AND ENJOY.

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