Archive for the 'WebiGNARs' Category
Mark it “FD”
February 11th, 2015 | By: Peter | 3 Comments
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Recently, while out tromping around the neighborhood I noticed a new land-slide on this mountain with a Vermont State Quarter on it. I think this is the slide's first Winter. And that got me thinking about really important questions, like: - At what elevation do deer turn into elk? - Why did the ... ...Read more |
Pierogi. Pivo. Pow.
April 28th, 2014 | By: The F.I.S. | 8 Comments
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We went to Slovakia. We had a lot of fun. We skied some. We saw a lot of cool things. We met a lot of great people. The Curmudgeon (remember him from here and here?) made a movie. If you're in a hurry, the skiing starts at about 4:16. Thanks for watching! The ... ...Read more |
We Went to Canada
April 21st, 2014 | By: The F.I.S. | 4 Comments
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Again. The Province of Québec. Again. We walked a LOT. We skied a little. Thanks for watching. |
A Hole
March 23rd, 2014 | By: Greg | 7 Comments
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Two years ago while we were wandering around one summer day, we found a hole in the backbush. We were pretty sure it was the shortcut in the Stowe Derby we missed 4 years ago. Yesterday we finally got the courage up to go through the hole. With schuss gear. And some ... ...Read more |
The Backbush
February 16th, 2014 | By: Greg | 13 Comments
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We're tired of the normal schuss lingo. Unless you live to do and say the exact same thing everyone else does, it's boring to hear everyone using the same words to describe their pointless (but no doubt enjoyable) endeavors in the mountains. "Skiing/boarding"? Meh... let's call them SCHUSSIN'! "Itinerary"? Yawn... ... ...Read more |