Apologies to MK (TEO) for the title, but it couldn’t be more appropriate. Does this look like we were slacking?
(photo: Christian Theberge © 2010)
We went up for Slackfest 2010 with Mr. Otto, but came away alarmingly tired, although satisfied from glorious-schuss-make. I’ll be throwing together a full TR in the next day or two, but if you are wondering if getting “your slack on” is worth it this year, I’d say a definite “maybe.” The east facing lines are about 2 weeks ahead of melt-schedule compared to the previous three or four years, and west facing stuff is pretty deep but rotten from many afternoons in the hot sun. If you only want to hop out and immediately start skiing perfect corn… it may not happen this year. The little bit that remains adjacent to Mr. Rhode is getting fairly spanked (=schussed hard) by the masses. Nevertheless, if you’re willing to go for a little walk, and sniff around for more exotic routes that you might only be able to see from afar and not from above, there are many great long lines that don’t see alot of traffic. You just have to bring your thinking cap and an open mind… go git sum!
Thanks for checking in! I’ll get alot more shots up later. In the meantime, if you had any adventures this weekend, and you want to share, please do so below! We’re psyched to hear and/or see what other people were up to! (we’ve added a few buttons to the comment box so it’s now easier to post photos and links… in a few days you should be able to upload photos to the site that you want to share)
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wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 12:29 pmGood stuff. Looks like my season ended without me knowing it; now ’tis time for sandals, BBQ, and a zillion kid-based activities. Dad owns the winters, but come summer…
…then again, looking waaaay North, some sort of time travel might be possible in a couple weeks, for one last rip…
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 3:05 pmBaffin?
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 4:25 pmGaspé. Was still winter up that way about a week ago.
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 5:08 pmsweet! time travel. love it.
wrote on May 25th, 2010 at 10:31 amAccording to pics and emails with Lucky, the Chocs were Chic 10 days ago. Full Winter mode, HOWEVER since then, posted pics from this past weekend confirms that it’s melting real fast.
Hoping maybe to mix it up with Otto and Jeff in June? It’s a thought!
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 1:19 pmWow looks super fun. Bummed I couldn’t make it, but sadly my work is getting done on its own (if only!).
Mildy curious as to why you’re clambering about on the rocks in your ski boots though…
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 3:05 pmdang dude i’m bummed as well… sorry :(
i’m going up that rock because that was the only way out… you know what goes down (mount washington) must come up!!
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 4:25 pm…thought you’d get all Bear Grylls and put your socks on the outside of your boots or something
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 4:37 pmWhoa.. What I meant to say was…
sadly my work is not getting done on its own.
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 5:05 pmlol i thought you did… figured it was some CS joke :D
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 3:31 pmLet’s see more of the nrop!
I take it your explorations after we left you were fruitful?
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 5:06 pmthe fruitiest
Castlerock (Mike)
wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 4:45 pmI’ve never bought the slacking title, as every micron of vert must be earned with Otto. This year was special as my 11 and 13 year old enjoyed Airplane for the first time on Sunday (23rd. It sure is going fast though. Love the web site and have been a regular reader all season.
I have to say the photo of the rider, leaves me with a strange sense of something, maybe, vertigo, sort of upside-down. I had to sit and reflect on it.
Here is a comparo of the snow in Airplane this year(May23)

compared to 2003(May17)

wrote on May 24th, 2010 at 4:49 pmthanks for checking in Mike.
Perhaps it was the fact that I was skiing behind him when I took the shot… maybe there’s a slight sense of motion in there?
wrote on May 25th, 2010 at 6:20 pmIt goes fast…I’ve often referred to this tour as the Casual Coup. Always fun…makes me wish I had a veggie powered rig…We are mind skiing over here in Moretown after just returning from the Arctic north…Here’s a sneak peek at what we were up to:
More skiing to come in June it seems…Rocky Mountain style…and plenty of h20 sliding of other sorts… Dig the new layout.
wrote on May 26th, 2010 at 2:51 pmThanks for checking in Brian… I can understand skipping slackfest for a variety of reasons. Right now I’m still at the phase where I think I’ve rolled back slackfest to one trip (from 3 last year).
looks like a really unique trip out there! As i’m sure you’re aware, we had a bit of snow back here too, although that looks awesome! Hard to believe snow can even exist in this earth on days like today thoug
wrote on May 26th, 2010 at 2:30 pmSlacker Heaven is on the clock and if you snooze, you’ll have to wait ’till next year ;-)
We be Grillin and Chillin at the East Snowfields for the 2010 MountWashington Memorial Day BBQ and Slackfest. It’s each day this year because the weather is looking so decent! Bring your picnic fixin’s, stop on by, set a spell.
Got a package of green garden stakes to set up a 10th Mountain Memorial Slalom.
wrote on May 26th, 2010 at 2:52 pmOH my oh my… sadly I think we are not going to be making it over for the Memorial Day slackfest this year. We are busy with other duties this weekend, and hence had to make FIS slackstival a week early.
Shred many corn turns, receive many corn face shots, and POST SOME PICS for us!
Mark Vice
wrote on June 12th, 2010 at 11:35 amI love it!