All articles tagged as 'Great Gulf'
Friday Film Zen
September 24th, 2010 | By: The F.I.S. | 5 Comments
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Tired of static SPAM pictures that can only fudge the thrill of a true video? Well you're in luck! To send you off into the weekend on a high note, we've got two short and sweet bona fide videos to share. Attain your Zen, and then head off into the ... ...Read more |
TR: Slackfest 2010 — A(nother) Trifecta
June 1st, 2010 | By: Greg
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This year Slackfest gave us one last chance to schuss, and schuss HARD. In the spirit of our earlier trifecta, when we hopped out of the car and surveyed the mountainside, we set a goal of tagging the heck out of three lines in the Great Gulf. Find out how ... ...Read more |
(Skier’s) Right Wing Schuss
May 26th, 2010 | By: Greg | 14 Comments
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No this has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with metal canisters that fly in the sky (and sometimes crash into mountains ). What I'm really saying is, I haven't had time finish up the 2010 Slackfest TR, so in the meantime here's a tidbit from ... ...Read more |
TR: A Completely Average April
April 26th, 2010 | By: The F.I.S.
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The entire crew, except for Porter, who has a boo-bo, and Lionel, who has a job, was on hand to ski an unexpected series of storms that hit Mount Washington over the last week and a half. This one goes out to a good internet-friend of the internet-skiers: ThinCover ... ...Read more |
April is the New April
April 14th, 2010 | By: Greg | 16 Comments
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Sorry Ben, but I had to do it :P While the valleys are enjoying a record breaking early start to spring and summer---and all the great activities that these seasons host--the mountains are reluctant to give up on winter. Great snow is still out there for the taking, and some ... ...Read more |
lionelhutz ski weather Utah Vermont Ski Weather New Hampshire Weather Backcountry Skiing Lionel Hutz Weather lionelhutz Vermont Ski Forecast VTah Vermont Powder Skiing Sam Lozier Allen Taylor Vermont Mount Washington ski forecast Ben Peters Vermont Upslope Snow Ski Weather Upslope snow Powder Skiing Powder West Coast East Coast
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