All articles tagged as 'HIKE WEEK'
SPA Trip #13: Hot Gorgeous Hikers
August 6th, 2010 | By: K_C
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Welcome to the GRAND FINALE of HIKE WEEK on! Here we go! Hot Gorgeous is not only a clue to this SPA Trip, but is also descriptive of the A-Team that headed out from the FIS World Headquarters on this hike/swim/drink/schuss-recon/driving challenge. Check it out: Click the picture or here ... ...Read more |
August 3rd, 2010 | By: Lionel Hutz | 3 Comments
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So apparently you might be able to see the Aurora Borealis on wednesday night. That's cool. Just one hasn't been that sunny recently! Last time I checked you can't really see this thing through a cloud deck. So, since I'm the weather guy, G asked me ... ...Read more |
HIKE WEEK! SPA Trip #10: The World’s Most Interesting Hike (Given its Ease)
August 3rd, 2010 | By: Greg | Comment
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Welcome back! HIKE WEEK keeps on rolling today with our tenth SPA Trip. Today we showcase what some people view as the best reason to go for a hike: it's a means to an end! Indeed, I think this hike, nestled high in the Green Mountains, has the most interesting ... ...Read more |
HIKE WEEK! Carried (Away) Up the Trap Dike
August 2nd, 2010 | By: Greg
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As mentioned earlier today when I first put up the report about our ascent of the Trap Dike, we decided to bring Porter and Dwyer (long time friends, and chief executive directors of the FIS Utah Headquarters) along for the ride. Dwyer hasn't been on an east coast adventure with ... ...Read more |
HIKE WEEK! TR: The Trap Dike
August 2nd, 2010 | By: Greg
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In honor of the venerable Shark Week going on this week, we're running HIKE WEEK on! Every day this week tune in to FIS for hiking adventures, information, and tips. We'll have some new stuff every day for you! To get started here's a Northeast classic: The Trap Dike ... ...Read more |
VTah Allen Taylor Backcountry Skiing Powder Lionel Hutz Weather Vermont lionelhutz ski weather Weather Sam Lozier West Coast Vermont Powder Skiing New Hampshire Vermont Ski Forecast Powder Skiing Utah East Coast Vermont Upslope Snow Mount Washington lionelhutz Vermont Ski Weather ski forecast Ben Peters Upslope snow Ski Weather
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