All articles tagged as 'Magic Snow'
Holiday Weekend Weather (UPDATED…Now with Less Boooing)
December 22nd, 2011 | By: Lionel Hutz | 4 Comments
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If I had a dime for each time somebody up and asked me "where is winter" over the last week, i'd...well I'd have about $1.60. (I don't get out that much). And to be honest, winter is where winter is. This year we've seen a record (or near record ... ...Read more |
“Upslope” Snow on Tap for Friday Morning
December 14th, 2011 | By: Lionel Hutz | 5 Comments
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On thursday a moderatly strong low pressure system will skirt along to our north. As it does, it will push the ADK and VT into the warm sector, bringing some snows along at the front end from WAA/isentropic lifting. Once the warm front passes early thursday AM, the precip will ... ...Read more |
LH: Winter’s Back
March 23rd, 2011 | By: Lionel Hutz | 7 Comments
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Enjoy that warm up? I hope so because all signs point to at least a two week return to winter. Starting this week, snow showers, cold temps, northwinds and cloudy days will return. And what a better way to kick off this period than witha nice round of upslope ( aka ... ...Read more |
Post Frontal Snows…
December 13th, 2010 | By: Lionel Hutz | 10 Comments
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Morning! Hopefully you all had a great weekend. I did. Sorry about the rains. I believe some help is on the way. Note: I have to make this quick because I need to do some actual work (that's a total abject lie. I need to do some x-mas shopping online and since ... ...Read more |
I got the La Nina blues….
December 10th, 2010 | By: Lionel Hutz | 9 Comments
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After an Epic, amazing, textbook, strangely predictable, super-duper awesome, FKNA! inducing, "magic" upslope snow event which gave us VTAH V, everybody has been asking me "what's next." Well sadly what's next just isn't going to be as awesome. Yea. Sorry about that. Anyway, after a weak disturbance passes through the region ... ...Read more |
Lionel Hutz Weather Powder West Coast Vermont Powder Skiing Vermont VTah Upslope snow Ben Peters Utah Allen Taylor Vermont Ski Weather East Coast lionelhutz ski weather Backcountry Skiing Vermont Upslope Snow ski forecast Weather Powder Skiing Ski Weather Vermont Ski Forecast Mount Washington New Hampshire Sam Lozier lionelhutz
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