All articles tagged as 'Presidential Range'
TR: Slackfest 2010 — A(nother) Trifecta
June 1st, 2010 | By: Greg
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This year Slackfest gave us one last chance to schuss, and schuss HARD. In the spirit of our earlier trifecta, when we hopped out of the car and surveyed the mountainside, we set a goal of tagging the heck out of three lines in the Great Gulf. Find out how ... ...Read more |
TR: A Completely Average April
April 26th, 2010 | By: The F.I.S.
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The entire crew, except for Porter, who has a boo-bo, and Lionel, who has a job, was on hand to ski an unexpected series of storms that hit Mount Washington over the last week and a half. This one goes out to a good internet-friend of the internet-skiers: ThinCover ... ...Read more |
Mount Washington Powder Harvest VIDEO — April 2010
April 25th, 2010 | By: Allen | 17 Comments
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While some people have pulled out the kayak, dusted off the mountain bike, or pulled out the golf clubs, the FIS crew has been hard at work harvesting corn and the much more elusive April crop: powder. We were forced to endure mild sunny days and mild blizzards up on ... ...Read more |
April 18th, 2010 | By: Greg | 9 Comments
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Two weeks ago it was 50 degrees at the summit of Mount Washington. Today it nuked pow-pow (more than it did three weeks ago). It wasn't really a great day for pictures (I apologize for that... I REALLY do ;)). It was a great day for skiing powder. (4/19/10 more ... ...Read more |
Is it Time for Backcountry Rescue Insurance in New Hampshire?
April 16th, 2010 | By: Greg | 45 Comments
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Do you know who pays for finding, rescuing and transporting an incapacitated backcountry user in New Hampshire from the backcountry to a hospital? The injured person? The injured person's insurance? The tax dollars of the people of the state of New Hampshire? The citizens of the United States through ... ...Read more |
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