All articles tagged as 'Vermont Upslope Snow'
Next Up…More Pow? (updated with UT content and maybe next week pow)
February 21st, 2013 | By: Lionel Hutz | 18 Comments
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Well, another midweek comes and goes, another midweek upslope pow event comes and goes. So what's next right? Well how about some more snow? Would you all like that? So, remember in Nemo when I talked about how two lows interacted with the final product being a super strong ... ...Read more |
Mid-Week Upslope Snow FTW
February 11th, 2013 | By: Lionel Hutz | 6 Comments
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Last week I said big storms like #Nemo didn't excite me that much. Reasonably, people asked: "Well what does." Simple answer: Upslope snow. I mean, need you ask why? And we have some coming. Yay. Today, a low pressure system is beginning to cut off to our west and move ... ...Read more |
Pattern Persistance Means More “Meh”
February 1st, 2013 | By: Lionel Hutz | 8 Comments
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I know, there is only supposed to be 1 all-star break. Sorry about that. Odd scheduling anamoly. I'm working with the commish to iron out how that happened. But we can't go back in time and fix what happened. We can only look forward. Looking forward however, requires looking ... ...Read more |
January Thaw
January 9th, 2013 | By: Lionel Hutz | 6 Comments
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The "January Thaw" is coming to stores near you this weekend. Since December 19 it has been unmitigated winter in the northeast. After a rainy Friday in December, the faceshot machine turned on, VTAH stopped over, the woods opened up, a nor'easter rolled in and and the bottom of the ... ...Read more |
On the 13th day of Xmas, my true love gave to me, 13 inches of powder….
December 20th, 2012 | By: Lionel Hutz | 9 Comments
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I mean maybe. Update: Friday at Noon. MAYBE NOT....This storm has already deposited 3-5 inches of snow in the ADK/VT as the warm front passed thru last night. However its really NOT behaving as modeled. A much stronger low than expected has developed and is tracking through southeastern NYS. ... ...Read more |
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