All articles tagged as 'Vermont'
POW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG POW!!!!!!!!!! (Updated: Friday 10:30 – at bottom-)
February 6th, 2013 | By: Lionel Hutz | 21 Comments
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"They say its going to snow." No kidding. In about 24 hours, widespread heavy snowfall will affect the Northeast. Again, for these big storms, there isn't a lot to say. Nor in truth are these storms what get me jazzed up. Nor are they really why you come here. YOu ... ...Read more |
The Spread
February 4th, 2013 | By: Greg | 2 Comments
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No, not that spread...I'm talking about the 4 inch know...the spread of snow on the mountain this morning. This morning I woke up feeling a little ill from my enjoyment of last night's spread of chips, salsa, beef casserole, smoked meats, cured meats, and ground meats, but a quick ... ...Read more |
TR: A Tale of Two-to-the-Two Chute Schusses
January 15th, 2013 | By: Greg
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It was the best of times, it was the worst of rhymes, it was the age of wisdom, it was age of foolishness, it was the epoch of relief, it was the epoch of schussability, it was the season of light snow, it was the season of darkness, it was the winter of hope, it was the winter of ... ...Read more |
Piste and Quiet
January 4th, 2013 | By: Greg | 5 Comments
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Backcountry skiing is so 2012. It's no longer cool to ski in the backcountry. It's become overrun and crowded. So much so in fact, that the pistes have become empty. Indeed, this is 2013 bro; the new cool thing to schuss is piste. Now that everyone has gone into the ... ...Read more |
TR: Schuss Forest; Schuss!!
December 31st, 2012 | By: Greg
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When the blackout dates arrive for season-pass holders, that can only mean one thing: it’s time to schuss forest (if it’s ready). Looking to avoid some crowds, and check out some new zones we have had our eye on for a few years, we grabbed our GPS, and headed off ... ...Read more |
East Coast ski forecast New Hampshire Backcountry Skiing Vermont Ski Weather Powder Vermont Ski Forecast lionelhutz ski weather West Coast lionelhutz Ben Peters Mount Washington Vermont Powder Skiing Vermont Powder Skiing Lionel Hutz Weather Ski Weather Weather Vermont Upslope Snow Upslope snow Utah VTah Sam Lozier Allen Taylor
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