Dodge’s, Empress, Dutchess, Sluice
By: Greg
April 8, 2008
Yeah… it was steep… (i honestly tried to keep it level from my perch)
…and sustained…
We hit the Sluice too, it was getting pretty late, and whatever had gone into the shade, had also gone into the ice.
Over the edge (a new mosaic I recently finished)!
Then from below, Ben comes into the light:
In all honesty, not the perfect Dodge’s day with the SE wind at the top to keep things firm. It probably would have been a better day to reenact Sam et. al.’s trip of Monday, because Huntington was surely more protected from the winds. But what we did was surely not bad either. Now I just can’t wait to get back up there with the monkey off my back.
Read about the author: Greg
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One Comments
wrote on June 28th, 2009 at 1:37 amYou need to have the middle Drop picture printed up in a large format. That’s a GREAT shot and would look even better hanging on a wall. Just curiously, what would a larger (13×19″) print cost?