Three Weeks in the PNW

By:  Sam
August 26, 2009

This TR document’s one of the most fun trips of my life. With the exception of a few minor grammatical corrections and some photo editing, I’ve copied in its original form from TGR where it was first posted. ENJOY!

This is a long TR, so I’ve broken it up into sections to make it more manageable.


I. Introduction .
Around the middle of March I was having such a good ski year that I decided skiing until May just wasn’t enough, I wanted it to keep going. I’d accomplished almost all of my seasonal goals and skied far more days than I ever had before, but I still wasn’t satisfied. I started asking around but none of my normal partners could go on a summer trip so I figured I’d just put together a solo trip. On other trips when I’ve traveled alone people had been very friendly, open, and helpful, so I decided to take a gamble and rely on other skiers to make the trip possible and fun. My plan was head for the PNW where people actually ski in the summer, and try and make some turns while seeing new country.
As some of you may recall, I started a thread on both TGR and TAY asking for partners and places to stay. The replies were encouraging, so I bought a plane ticket and hoped for the best. I got many PM’s and ended up with a page full of phone numbers of PNW skiers who’d invited me on trips.

Table of Contents:
I. Introduction (This page)
II. James
III. Chinook Powder
IV. Down Day in Bremmerton
V. Adams
VI. Birthday Tour
VII. Baker
VIII. St. Helens
IX. Hood
X. Alpental
XI. Final Tour

Read about the author:   Sam
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Slackfest 2009 with M.W. Otto Rhode

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