Diagonal, Huntington Ravine, NH (2/7/09)
By: Sam
February 7, 2009
From this point on, my autofocus decided not to work well. We’ll call these photos “artsy”…
Into the choke:
The lower section:
View of me finishing off the ski part:
Gearing over to go back up:
A great day, I even tried to straightline the lower section of the headwall on the way down. Didn’t fall, but I did learn that carbon skis with dynafits are not the ideal setup for that type of skiing….
Read about the author: Sam
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wrote on July 3rd, 2010 at 1:40 pmAs usual, nice!
wrote on July 4th, 2010 at 8:54 amdigging through the oldies but goodies Andy? hope your summer is going well!!