Chemin de Dodo

By:  Greg
March 13, 2009

AKA: All Suffer and No(t Enough) Fest; AKA: How to Knock Out a Filling; AKA: How to Loose the Line at the Top of Your List in (Less than) Ten Days

Ever since I spent a fun weekend camping and scoping up in the Northern Presis a few weeks ago, my mind has been calling me to a line through the boulders off in the far distance. Although I’ve seen it with mine own eyes, it’s as if the place still only exists in a dream.

I asked around the usual suspects on T4T for a name. No one knew of one, or no one wanted to admit they knew one, or no one wanted to admit the place even existed. In a dark alley late one night, one frequent contributer told me it might be called Chemin Des Hommes… but he told me he’d lose his life for telling me that. Not wanting to risk his life (wait a second… did I just risk your life?! sorry bro), and since we were clearly insane for doing this, I decided on the name in the title of the TR–Chemin de Dodo–for only a dodo would go this way.

Ben (remember him from this?) and I decided to head off into the wilderness and brave the wild dense jungle that surrounds the northern Presidentials, and try to avoid the way of the dodobird. He was about to embark driving cross country for climbing and (of course) skiing, and I was going to NJ for a few days for family time, so we had to act fast. We also had to disregard the rain followed by the freezing temperatures.

Despite the impossible long journey into the backcountry, the day was briefer than a pair of Haines. We were at the trailhead at 8:30, and were driving back at 2. All shots are of Ben. Time constraints didn’t allow us to fiddle around with trading off the camera.



Down …

Waaaaayyy Doooowwwnnnn…

At the bottom we encountered a huge ice bulge skier’s right. Don’t fall (anywhere in this line and slide) over that–it would probably be your last. We billygoated out to the skier’s left. Not sure I’d advise that either… There was some epic suffering and heinousness…

It’s White Mountain TIME!

Read about the author:   Greg
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