Deep Cover Anthropology
By: Greg
June 8, 2009
I documented their travels as they quickly and skillfully descended and ascended the “Avion” gully and another called “Oléoduc”. It was beautiful and strange to watch…
I wonder… how do these folk who live in a land without large mountains become so skillful at the glisse?!
As I continued to follow them, I quickly came to realize however that some questions are better left unanswered, and it is better to appreciate the mystery with a sense of awe rather than scientific curiosity
Look for a paper to be published soon at an up and coming online Anthropology journal!
Read about the author: Greg
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wrote on June 23rd, 2009 at 1:59 pmWhere did MadPat get his extra steezy poles?? I need some!!
wrote on June 23rd, 2009 at 2:40 pmI will look into this and get back to you. I’m pretty sure he has a time machine and returns to 1986 each time he breaks a pair and needs some fresh ones–I mean poles NEVER last that long.
wrote on June 26th, 2009 at 4:24 pmFrom time to time, I see people with the same model. Kerma World Cup.
There were bought brand new for $85 (no deals *(&() at Bernard Trottier Sport in Montreal back in mid-March 1990. I had just broken a pair of identical white pair training GS on Can-Am at Jay. I loved those poles and wanted the same…unfortunately they were only pink ones left.
Did a quick Google…I found a few references to them.
Quote from ScotsSkier at Epic.
Top 10 signs you’re an over-the-hill ski racer
“You can not only spell “Marc Girardelli” but you still have the fluoro pink Kerma poles he used in the 88(?) olympics”
wrote on March 27th, 2017 at 7:09 amLuckyLuc and MadPat on the same day? Classique.