VTah Part I – Stowe Opening Day 2008
Still plenty left!

Next we ran into Allen, Wes and Sam, and hiked a long way to find out we wasted our time. The top few hundred vertical feet were wind blown rock… it had apparently been $$$ the day before, but by the time we got to it, it was gone.
The boys knew how to make the best of a bad situation though… (get some napkins handy…)

Allen (dude, one more shot like this, and you’re off the team.. K? OK?! thxbi)
Sam (won the contest—also won 5$ off me betting on a long field goal attempt in the Giants game later that night… the focker snubbed it too, so i didn’t even get my money’s worth by enjoying giving the ball body english… what a waste.. oh well at least this picture makes me smile)

We bid adieu to the boys, and headed out for one final run b4 grabbing some food and going to watch the game. I decided I wasn’t gonna let those boys have the last word (er… faceshot), and K_C grabbed the cam for this one. woof

OH MY…this was a fun turn

A parting shot of our favorite mountain

Read about the author: Greg