Huntington Ravine 12/22/09, Central, Diagonal, and my new 7D

By:  Allen
December 26, 2009

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Ben getting his Andrew McLean on.

A little windy on the ridge with some cool clouds pouring over from the West.


Finding the top of diagonal.


The skiing from diagonal is in the video. It’s tricky deciding what to film and what to shoot.

A parting shot. I finally see where this route gets its name.


Thanks for looking. They should all get better from here, well the media at least. They day was one of my favorites in the whites.


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Read about the author:   Allen


  1. Chris
    wrote on December 26th, 2009 at 8:46 pm  

    Nice Allen, I have been considering the 7d, would like to hear more of what you think after you use it more.

    p.s. You forgot the “a” in at the end of the video..

  2. Sam
    wrote on December 26th, 2009 at 9:41 pm  

    cool. we now have video.

  3. Greg
    wrote on December 27th, 2009 at 9:59 am  

    Dudes that’s a pretty incredible first effort with the 7D. I wish I could have made it :/

  4. Greg
    wrote on December 27th, 2009 at 9:59 am  

    PS the video is incredible Allen (and Ben)

  5. sfmornay
    wrote on December 27th, 2009 at 12:10 pm  

    Great TR – pics and video! Good that you posted on T4T as well.

    Allen sez:

    I’ve found that there are 2 choices: either decide ahead of time to take only one camera with you, or you just have to ski everything twice :-)

    Cheers, Mike (Greg’s cousin)

  6. sfmornay
    wrote on December 27th, 2009 at 12:12 pm  

    Your quotation got left out of the above message, apparently because I put it in brackets. It was supposed to read:

    Allen sez: The skiing from diagonal is in the video. It’s tricky deciding what to film and what to shoot.

  7. powhounddd
    wrote on December 27th, 2009 at 4:33 pm  

    great tr, great song. Climbing ice and skiing above an ice bulge? Hard core. reps.

    =>typo at the end (website addy)

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