A Completely Average April

April 26, 2010

The last time we logged a full trip report the summit of Mount Washington was experiencing record breaking heat, and we wore T-shirts and sunscreen circumnavigating Mount Adams IV. Since that time, the weather has changed. While the valleys have continued to enjoy spring, winter has regained its grip on the mountains. This return to winter came abruptly on April 9th. The summit of Mount Washington hadn’t recorded a temperature below 27 in the month of April, when suddenly the mercury plunged to 13 degrees, and over the next three days about 5 inches of snow coated the mountain. Then just one week later another 15 inches fell out of the sky. In other words, it’s been a completely average April in New England. Needless to say the F.I.S. were on hand to schuss, and document the madness.

During the first round of snow on April 11th, we headed over to the Gulf of Slides, hoping to find some deep drifts to ski on. All of us were starving for fresh pow (having not had a whole lot since that sleeper day and/or Shittadar Peak), but the best snow conditions we found were dust on crust. The worst, we shouldn’t mention. Regardless, Christian was still pretty stoked to see the mountains bathed in white again.
Christian in Gulf of Slides

We went home after a fun but less-than-awesome day in the mountains, and since we weren’t able to see into the future, assumed that our days of skiing fresh snow were over for the season. In times like these it is a F.I.S. tradition to go up to the top of Bolton Ski Area, drink a few Rock Art Vermonsters while reminiscing about the season, and then make a few haggard turns connecting the left over patches of snow. Sitting on the couch thinking back on a great winter season, Greg realized that it wouldn’t do any harm to pour a libation to Ullr as a way of thanking him for bestowing such glorious gifts on us all year (don’t worry BVSP, we didn’t pour beer on your carpet!). Those VTah days seemed so far gone; the lake effect powder snow festival at Mad River back in December, and the magic snow celebration on Mount Mansfield in February seemed like they happened during another lifetime as Greg poured those precious drops of liquid from the bottle.
Greg getting ready to pour a libation

As luck would have it, this was perhaps one of the most fruitful spillings-of-great-beer-on-old-snow in F.I.S. history: the next day, April 13th, several inches fell on Mount Washington, and strong northwest winds deposited it deeply into a few cherished locations. While VTah would have to wait, classic April skiing New Hampshire was on tap. The following day, April 14th, we went up and harvested that powder snow under perfect sunny skies. Icelanticskier made the first glorious turn of the day.
Icelantic Skier on Mount Washington
Icelanticskier on Mount Washington

These turns were simply unbelievable.

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  1. Doremite
    wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 9:50 am  

    Really nice compilation. You guys continue to put out the best MW specific ski photos I’ve ever seen. Hats off.

    • Greg
      wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 9:57 am  

      D: thanks for checking in dude. Sorry it didn’t work out to meet up on Saturday. We’ve been basically calling our lines as we see them based on real time conditions… so yeah… that means good skiing, but also being really flaky for anyone who we are trying to meet up with. sorry about that. We actually did pass through OG, and i checked my phone to see if i could give you a ring and see if you were there, but i couldn’t get service. It will happen sometime! thanks again, and pray for snow!

  2. Andyzee
    wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 10:49 am  

    Nice shots, may give it a try next week.

  3. robrox
    wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 10:58 am  

    Brilliant summation!

    Perry Mason coulnd’t convince a jury any better than that…

    Another month of harvest…yippeeee!

  4. Porter Haney
    wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 11:20 am  

    Hot Bread! I can only turn left.

  5. Gregg L
    wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 11:39 am  

    Excellent as always guys. Yeah, I’d say that shot was worth it……but I didn’t have to climb up there to get it. ;-) You guys are animals. More pow on the way….

    • Greg
      wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 9:07 pm  

      Thanks Gregg. I should dig out the shot I have from last season when the thing was covered in a veneer of ice, and both Sam and I refused to ski it even though we knew it’d be an incredible picture.

  6. Micky O (ILOVE2SKI)
    wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 1:37 pm  

    Nice work as always. Hope you guys plan on making another calendar this season… I see a few shots just from April this year that would work great.

    • Greg
      wrote on April 26th, 2010 at 9:07 pm  

      Thanks Micky! we’re DEFINITELY doing another calendar this year. Look for the ski season calendar (october to october) to be up for sale sometime in june, and then the normal calendar will be up sometime in october. WE gonna be doing the auto road again this year? hope so!

    • Micky O (ILOVE2SKI)
      wrote on April 27th, 2010 at 11:06 pm  

      Yep I’d love to, let’s hope for some more snow in the meantime… looks like this week is good!

  7. icelanticskier
    wrote on April 27th, 2010 at 9:07 am  

    stunning, what a month…….so far. friday 1st light could be all time in the right spot(s). a very small dedicated crew is forming. e-mail if interested.


    • Greg
      wrote on April 27th, 2010 at 9:14 am  


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