Alta Headwaters

February 28, 2010

While the east coast team (and Dwyer, the most illustrious curry chef this side of India) was creating their own Stowe Derby, the west coast team was inventing their own resort assisted fun.  For those familiar the terrain, this route runs along the rim of Alta – capturing splendid views the for the entirety.

Sneaking a ‘peak’ at Monte Cristo.

The first bit of fun happens at the end of the traverse from Catherine’s area.  With a lap into Sunset Cirque/Rocky Point.  The Utah Interconnect tour was chewing the fat, so we decided to go ahead and put some tracks into their powder.

Rob put on a splendid show.

Then Ashley took her turn.

OK.  As much fun as it was showing off, we had bigger things to accomplish.  A quick boot pack to the top of Mt. Wolverine left us with a decision.  Drop into Wolvy, or take a quick lap down the flanks of Tuscarora first.  We opted for the later, and rightfully so!

Rob once again gets deep.  Showing why Moment‘s got him on next year’s sticks already.

A quick skin back to the ridge put us on top of this West facing shot at the top of Wolverine Cirque.  Here Ashley is laying her signature into the chalky windbuff.

Even further.  With Silver Fork in the upper right hand background.

A quick reconnoiter at what’s possible in this cirque.

Our tracks in the middle.

The headwaters of BCC.

The E facing goodness.

A quick skin out of Wolvy had us on top of Patsey Marley, for a quick ski back to the town of Alta.

The heli even came to watch us!

Read about the author:   Porter Haney
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Ughh…. ANOTHER East Coast TR?


  1. Harvey44
    wrote on February 28th, 2010 at 11:40 pm  

    Somehow there is something that is just “right” about this. I know you aren’t exactly back, but … welcome back Salida.

    • Porter Haney
      wrote on March 1st, 2010 at 9:05 am  

      Thanks, Harvey. I enjoy putting these together, almost as much as the skiing. Have a lot of backdated goods from when Greg visited the Wasatch. Hope to get some more shots up soon!

  2. Sam
    wrote on March 1st, 2010 at 1:03 am  
  3. Greg
    wrote on March 1st, 2010 at 8:10 am  

    Wow that is really fn great dude. Keep it churning!!!

  4. Ben
    wrote on March 1st, 2010 at 8:35 am  

    It’s too bad the wasatch is so crowded that you can’t find any good skiing on a weekend powder day ;)

    • Porter Haney
      wrote on March 1st, 2010 at 9:07 am  

      Ben, the tram line had the tram house wrapped up like G’s skis under a voile strap. Just have to steer clear of all those visitors.

  5. David Howland
    wrote on March 1st, 2010 at 10:32 pm  

    Damn. We need some of that up here in Montana. In the “our tracks” photo it almost looks tilt shifted. Cool effect!

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