Camel’s Hump Sunset

By:  Greg
August 5, 2010

The HIKE WEEK train keeps on rolling today with a visit to one of Vermont’s most revered peaks: Camel’s Hump. Much like SPA Trip #10, Camel’s Hump is a great place to catch a sunset. I had always wanted to catch one from “Vermont’s Quarter” Mountain, but had never found the motivation to get together all the necessary plans and equipment to make it a reality. For whatever reason though, this past Sunday, as scattered clouds rolled along above our heads, we decided to try to make it happen. Perhaps we simply wanted to watch a sunset over the mountains that provided our adventure in the Trap Dike. Whatever the reason, if you want to do the same, I suggest you check the FIS Weather Page to get the cloud cover forecast (so you can avoid making the trek for no reason), pack a headlamp, bring a cook stove to make a quick hot meal (you will realize how awesome this is the moment you take a bite), and bring a few layers no matter what time of year you go for it (it’s always chilly up there near dusk). This minimal effort pays off with maximal dividends. We took the Monroe trail from the east. Although longer than the Burrows trail on the west, the Munroe trail is impeccably graded, and makes for a very easy descent in the dark. Looking to get some exercise out of the affair, we huffed and puffed our way up in about an hour and a half. If you want to actually enjoy the hike I’d give yourself at least 2 hours to make it to the top before sunset. Here was the view right as we got to the top. I was honestly pretty worried that we might have actually blown it. A lot of clouds had moved in since we began the hike.
The view from the top

Kristin did a little jig to try to help the clouds push aside and revel the sunset. Go Kristin!
a little sunset jig

Oh yeah… one other thing you should bring: A REFRESHING BEVERAGE. Just in case the sun decides not to show itself after all your planning, you can always ease the pain with malt induced relaxation.
easing the pain of perhaps missing the sunset

After a few rounds of those, the clouds still were holding strong, and rather than head down in the dark disgruntled and distraught, we decided to make ourselves some hot dinner… with a whiffle ball bat.(?)
what's going on here?

Hey now! Hold on just one shake of a hog’s tail! What is that slit of fiery light on the lake? Must be the reflection of the lights from Plattsburgh. Disregard.
the lights of Plattsburgh?

Back to dinner! NOM NOM!
nom nom

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Read about the author:   Greg


  1. Lionel Hutz
    wrote on August 5th, 2010 at 2:00 pm  

    Dude…Mountain House is so not befitting of Bud Select. Come on now. Bud Select demands better.

    • Greg
      wrote on September 14th, 2010 at 9:27 am  

      sorry we didn’t bring our Hibachi backcountry-Puck

  2. Bill
    wrote on August 5th, 2010 at 7:21 pm  
    • Greg
      wrote on August 5th, 2010 at 10:16 pm  

      Yeah. Why do you hate beer bill? ;)

  3. Austin
    wrote on August 7th, 2010 at 4:52 pm  

    Speaking of the sun… I really want to try for a Mt. Washington sunrise sometime this winter. Some of the observatory’s winter sunrise pics of downright amazing. I of course assume that you would be done for this.

    • Greg
      wrote on August 10th, 2010 at 3:54 pm  

      lets do it mang!

      i’m always game for stuff like this…and if it’s fun, i’d be up for doing it often

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