Capturing the Brilliance of Dying Leaves

By:  Greg
October 22, 2009

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This snake really agreed with the thesis of that photo and wants all people dead NOW.

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In this shot perspective is made to appear natural. The true value of this shot is not the maximization nor minimization of perspective, but the complete absence of it. This “no tricks” photograph is among the most difficult to take for a trained photographer… for the same reason that a “zero spin” is among the most difficult tricks for a trained freestyle skier to do off a kicker. It’s hard to just do nothing, and capture the perfect blend of dog, leaf and snowliage. But somehow Sam managed.

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Our final topic is about maximizing the intangibles. Sometimes people are just really happy that leaves are dying, and capturing that sentiment alone can be enough to seal you the cover of Vermont Magazine

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Or Powder:

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And the final intangible we will talk about today in leafotography is the long-sought-after “October Face Shot”. Although it was debatable whether this one counted or not, Allen definitely had something frozen and white on his face a few seconds after this happened.

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Finally we end this tutorial with a shot we won’t explain, and we will leave it to you to figure out how to achieve such photographic perfection. Go forth and take pictures.

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Read about the author:   Greg
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Spearhead Traverse in a Day


  1. Kingsley
    wrote on October 22nd, 2009 at 9:35 pm  

    Solid work dude. Mathgeek/photogeek/wordsmith AND FIS? Damn.

  2. sfmornay
    wrote on October 25th, 2009 at 1:00 pm  

    Greg sez:

    ” … this gem which uses the vanishing point to help the viewer interpret the post modern struggle of man versus machine.”

    Thanks for clearing that up. I had convinced myself that it represented the spiritual crisis resulting from the intellectual paralysis brought on by confronting the physical inevitability of Zeno’s paradox.

    • Sam
      wrote on June 21st, 2010 at 1:24 pm  

      somehow I didn’t catch that the first time around. You really need to comment more often, that was awesome!

  3. Greg
    wrote on October 25th, 2009 at 1:42 pm  

    No problem… the autonomy of art though lets us both be right :D

  4. Anonymous
    wrote on October 18th, 2010 at 12:14 am  

    AMAZING. Never really found someone who loved winter as much as me. SoulMates?

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