Cross Country Move

By:  Sam
June 13, 2010

“Look majestic Chester!”
“Stop taking pictures of your dog loser!”

This was some seriously Bad Land:

Just as we were leaving the park, huge storm clouds came over the horizon. By the time we reached Wall SD (the famous home of Wall Drug) it was pouring. We ate dinner and waited out the storm in that unfathomably boring town before pressing on to Rapid City for the night. We were going to camp out again, but after two nights of rain, the thought of trying to sleep through a huge thunderstorm in a tent on the open prairie wasn’t exciting either of us, so we got a hotel room in Rapid City. Since we paid for a hotel, it didn’t rain that night.

The next morning we went to look at a mountain that got partially blown up. Why? Because it got blown up into the shape of some faces. Plus Team America is up there somewhere.

You have to be extremely careful around Mt. Rushmore.

Since Mount Rushmore is good for about ten minutes of entertainment, we were soon back on the road, this time it was a rather beautiful road that wound through the Black hills. We stopped briefly at Deadwood, and then pressed on to a big rock that Sam wanted to go look at.

Sam wouldn’t stop taking these “teenage girl on facebook” self-portraits. Just stop Sam, it’s embarrassing.

I wasn’t too excited to go see Devils tower, but what we saw next certainly caught my attention.


I wondered if the Prairie dogs were saying: “Look honey, mid-westerners”

Oh yeah, and the whole reason we came, a big rock. Whoopee…

We passed a rather large coal mine…

… and I slept like this…

…through countless hours of this, as we zipped through Wyoming.

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Read about the author:   Sam


  1. christian
    wrote on June 13th, 2010 at 6:07 pm  

    that view of shuksan from the ski area never gets old…glad you and sam made it out safely. cheers.

  2. Josh A
    wrote on June 13th, 2010 at 6:07 pm  

    Nice write up…

    Funny, I also ended up caving and getting a hotel in Rapid City when I took a road trip out west. You should’ve gone to Crazy Horse, way more interesting the Mount Rushmore, and huge by comparison.

  3. powhounddd
    wrote on June 14th, 2010 at 7:37 am  

    Awesome dude. I want to drive across the continent too next time I go West!! Good luck in your new home and looking forward to some pretty interesting TR’s from that neck of the woods…

  4. Sam
    wrote on June 14th, 2010 at 12:00 pm  

    Thanks everyone! I was sorry to leave the EC, but I’m looking forward to lots of new exploring. We’re only getting in to spring season here now, so we’ll be skiing well into the summer, if not all year round.

    • powhounddd
      wrote on June 14th, 2010 at 4:10 pm  

      I will just pretend I didn’t read that last bit. *claps hands over ears* I CAN’T HEAR YOU! NANANANAAA!

  5. Porter Haney
    wrote on June 14th, 2010 at 12:43 pm  

    Sam! Glad you and Chester made it safe and sound. Good job breaking the dog author barrier. I dig the new style.

  6. Danno
    wrote on June 14th, 2010 at 2:27 pm  
  7. Greg
    wrote on June 14th, 2010 at 5:31 pm  

    awesome awesome awesome photo journal… Chester has definitely found his voice too! never knew he had it in him.

    it’s funny you headed east before heading west… right?

    did you do that to hike the moose thinking you might not ever get back to tag that one or something?

  8. Ben
    wrote on June 15th, 2010 at 2:35 pm  

    beautiful! love the last picture…

    it’s always interesting seeing that vast inner half of the country… and SO nice to see the topography finally rising up from the plains.

    enjoy WA!

  9. MadLancelotSki
    wrote on June 15th, 2010 at 10:40 pm  
  10. Butch Chamberlain
    wrote on June 25th, 2010 at 9:12 am  

    Well I call that an epic TR. The commentator was real good as well.
    I like a dog with character. After seeing the final destination it is of
    no wonder that a person would be drawn to there. I wish you more fun and
    more trips to show us. It’s these little glimpses of the world outside of
    Verm’ont thast facinates me. Keep on sending these TR’s !!!GREAT!!! BC

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