Hot Gorgeous Hikers (SPA Trip #13)

By:  K_C
August 6, 2010

We wandered around above treeline on a beautiful day drinking MHLs. HAUTE CINQ!
High Five

Why is Christian so small suddenly?
why so small?

After taking in the incredible views of the hot gorgeous scenery, we decided to head down and paddle the river we had been admiring. So with our lunches packed up and shoes tied tight we boarded… a school bus? Now-appropriately-sized Christian enjoys the snacks his mom packed for him before he left.
School Bus

….And started paddling. Christian slashes the pow (and the water onto the rear occupants of the canoe) and waves at the honeys on the shore.
Christian paddling

We stopped briefly to take in the scenery
Boat docked

There was a bunch of these weird things everywhere. Typical.
these wierd guys were everywhere

After noticing some clouds rolling in we started back. A girl can get used to the views around here!
Greg Paddling

To round out the day Christian went hunting for salmon with his teeth. Greg wore his America Shorts to celebrate his freedom, and let everyone know his allegiance.

This guy knew what was in season though… and it wasn’t salmon.
Fox eating the berries in season

Tired, hungry, and wet these hot gorgeous hikers bade farewell, and started making their way back home… but not before we could get one more big steaming pile of Timmy for lunch.
more Timmy for our Belly

And also we stopped to check out two really cool cliffs we’d heard about. Wow that’s pretty big.
wow that's big.

So’s that one!
cool clouds

And for dessert we picked up some weird flavored CanaDoritos (Copyright 2010 They were pink. To think: these were at one time (mostly) corn waving gently and beautifully on a farm field with blue skies and fresh air. How far they’ve descended. The horror.

But at least the packaging was fitting for a FamousInternetSkierSnack.

Thanks for checking out the grand finale of HIKE WEEK on FIS. See you on the trails!

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Read about the author:   K_C
Enjoy this TR? Read another: HIKE WEEK! TR: The Trap Dike


  1. Porter Haney
    wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 4:28 pm  

    KC shrunk Christian. That’s cool.

    Bravo, that’s a hot writeup.

  2. colin_extreme
    wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 5:10 pm  

    pretty sure that Horton’s is just outside of QC en route to le Massif

  3. colin_extreme
    wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 5:14 pm  

    wait, scratch that.. But I’m pretty sure I know where you went…

    P*** *****nal de la *******-*******

    • Greg
      wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 6:50 pm  

      Connect your French brain and your English brain and you’ll get it ;)

  4. Harvey44
    wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 10:09 pm  

    It’s gotten to the point where I can’t sit down to read FIS with having my own beer in hand. The cans of MHL I can hack. I’ll never forget a summit county colorado hut trip where three of us had one big can of Foster’s (24oz?) that we cherished for 5 days until we split it the last night, up at 11,500 feet. Party! Nice report and pics.

    • Greg
      wrote on August 7th, 2010 at 7:50 am  

      a.) I assume you mean “without”.

      b.) If so, AWESOME! Success here at FIS is measured with many yardsticks (mostly really small ones), but none are more important than the “reader cannot and will not engage with site until tall boy is acquired” metric. It’s actually a stat on Google Analytics believe it or not.

      c.) If not, um… we’re so sorry for your loss although we cannot assume responsibility :(

  5. Anonymous
    wrote on August 8th, 2010 at 2:54 am  

    Was that a ::gasp:: middle-finger under that black spot in the first photo?!?! how dare you imply that offensive gestures were made while binge drinking in the backcountry!!! Think of the children!!!

    • Greg
      wrote on August 8th, 2010 at 5:21 pm  

      nah… that’s Christian’s hand warmers. It’s cold north of America

  6. Beef Wellington III
    wrote on August 9th, 2010 at 9:53 am  

    Damn…this one is hard…LOL

    • Greg
      wrote on August 11th, 2010 at 2:48 pm  

      the clues are overbearing though :P

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