Hot Gorgeous Hikers (SPA Trip #13)

By:  K_C
August 6, 2010

Welcome to the GRAND FINALE of HIKE WEEK on! Here we go! Hot Gorgeous is not only a clue to this SPA Trip, but is also descriptive of the A-Team that headed out from the FIS World Headquarters on this hike/swim/drink/schuss-recon/driving challenge. Just look at these hot gorgeous hikers getting ready for a hot gorgeous hike!
Tim Hortons

I am a relatively new traveler to these parts, but as I sat in the backseat of the car opening the window after I heard a raucous laugh from Christian and Greg (which usually signifies an unpleasant odor was heading my way) I looked out the window and always saw this:
Car in tow

WTF!? I choked. Christian laughed demoniacally and nonsensically. In a bit more reserved tone, Greg managed to explain in his teacher tone that make-shift trailers carrying a wide variety of goods (and bads) hitched to inappropriately sized vehicles is normal for these parts. He was a self proclaimed expert ever since he and Sam had gained valuable experience in this wide and mysterious region north of America while on a baffling ski trip two years ago.

After endless miles of roadside mysteries, we finally arrived at our destination.
mysterious stuff

Just kidding, that isn’t what we came to hike. I don’t even know what that is–as usual. No, once at the trail head, we did what we usually do: hike as fast as possible until we see something cool (either from being in an anaerobic induced coma and having a cool dream, or getting to the top of a mountain). Then we drink beer. I don’t remember much of the ascent. (In fact this entire trip was so fun that I don’t remember half of it for various reasons.) Regardless though, after about 5 clicks (what is that in America-miles?) of speed walking uphill passing people who kept telling me to ‘bonjour’ (i think that is code for ‘stop trying to keep up with those boys, you’re panting like a dog and look like you’re going to pass out’) I in fact did catch up and we stumbled out of the green tunnel to see this

Whoa. I tried to contain my excitement and mask my love of MHL. Christian couldn’t hide it. Is he receiving communion or something?
Christian And Kristin MHL

Safety Greg was burning with joy as he kept an eye on the alpine zone.
Greg and MHL

And was transfixed with these cliffs
Christian and Kristin on top of a large cliff

Christian demonstrates that he is a skier in his own mind
Christian Tuck

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Read about the author:   K_C
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Give Us an Inch, and We’ll Schuss a Foot


  1. Porter Haney
    wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 4:28 pm  

    KC shrunk Christian. That’s cool.

    Bravo, that’s a hot writeup.

  2. colin_extreme
    wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 5:10 pm  

    pretty sure that Horton’s is just outside of QC en route to le Massif

  3. colin_extreme
    wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 5:14 pm  

    wait, scratch that.. But I’m pretty sure I know where you went…

    P*** *****nal de la *******-*******

    • Greg
      wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 6:50 pm  

      Connect your French brain and your English brain and you’ll get it ;)

  4. Harvey44
    wrote on August 6th, 2010 at 10:09 pm  

    It’s gotten to the point where I can’t sit down to read FIS with having my own beer in hand. The cans of MHL I can hack. I’ll never forget a summit county colorado hut trip where three of us had one big can of Foster’s (24oz?) that we cherished for 5 days until we split it the last night, up at 11,500 feet. Party! Nice report and pics.

    • Greg
      wrote on August 7th, 2010 at 7:50 am  

      a.) I assume you mean “without”.

      b.) If so, AWESOME! Success here at FIS is measured with many yardsticks (mostly really small ones), but none are more important than the “reader cannot and will not engage with site until tall boy is acquired” metric. It’s actually a stat on Google Analytics believe it or not.

      c.) If not, um… we’re so sorry for your loss although we cannot assume responsibility :(

  5. Anonymous
    wrote on August 8th, 2010 at 2:54 am  

    Was that a ::gasp:: middle-finger under that black spot in the first photo?!?! how dare you imply that offensive gestures were made while binge drinking in the backcountry!!! Think of the children!!!

    • Greg
      wrote on August 8th, 2010 at 5:21 pm  

      nah… that’s Christian’s hand warmers. It’s cold north of America

  6. Beef Wellington III
    wrote on August 9th, 2010 at 9:53 am  

    Damn…this one is hard…LOL

    • Greg
      wrote on August 11th, 2010 at 2:48 pm  

      the clues are overbearing though :P

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