Rise ‘n Shine Pow

March 17, 2010

Woof.  A week or two of silence from the FIS western contingent.  Fear not, we’ve still been sleuthing around, snarking pow.

Yet, for us working bums, we have to get a little sneakier to find our snow.  Most often this results in a hurried lap before the office opens, but now that daylight savings time has passed we’re starting our spring evening missions as well.  Below is the result of 3 o’clock awakenings, thermos upon thermos of tea, and reckless drives back to the 3point5.com factory floor.

The first set is the result of an early morning in the biggest BCC roadside attraction.  A place that doesn’t often slide, but when it does, it rips to the road – with 5 foot diameter pines, and road blocking madness.

3 and 1/2 thousand vertical feet from the double yellow, up football fields of slide paths, you find the biggest trees of the Wasatch.  And, the best roll overs too:

Hoff goes for the slam dunk

Hoff goes for the slam dunk

Upon impact, something magical happened, he went under.

Waves of glory

Waves of glory

All the way down the hill whoops and screams chased us down through pine trees and powder laden meadows.

Stock goes for the whitewash, as Hoff watches on

Stock goes for the whitewash, as Hoff watches on

And then goes for his own sub

And then goes for his own sub

Woof.  A right fast schuss brought us back down to earth, and to our desks to contemplate.  One run wasn’t enough, we needed more.  And we needed it STAT.  All we could think about was how good our favorite south facing stash would be the next morning before the sun destroyed it with its warm March rays.

Colby gave it a quick ROCK on, and decide to schralp.

Don't smile or anything

Don't smile or anything

Then, Colby did what he does best, not spilling his coffee.

With Gusto, Kind Sir

With Gusto, Kind Sir

A hot lap up and down, we were back before the Salt Lake socialites had even rolled out of bed.

Alas, with part of the Eastern Contingent showing up on a weekday, we had to give him a proper welcoming.  It could only be done in one place.  The heart of LCC dawn patrolling.   The parking lot that fills up first on Saturday morning, and empties last on Sunday evening.

Dwyer wondering why no one skis here on Friday?

Dwyer wondering why no one skis here on Friday?

Whatevs, he could care less, he takes powder deposits any day of the week.

They don't make 'em like that in PA.

They don't make 'em like that in PA.

The self-proclaimed winner of the Other Stowe Derby.

The self-proclaimed winner of the Other Stowe Derby.

Then Dwyer said, “I love confers more than any other, but I’ve been dieing to split some Aspen.”

So he did.

So he did.

And, Again!?!?!

And, Again!?!?!

And then, just when we thought we’d made it back to the office.  Something we hadn’t seen in many skis came out.  The SUN!

Doing the Irish jig (and skiing)

Doing the Irish jig, and skiing of course

Read about the author:   Porter Haney
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: The Heart of Darkness


  1. powhounddd
    wrote on March 18th, 2010 at 9:20 am  

    ah, supernice!! pow stoke thank you sirs!!!

  2. Greg
    wrote on March 18th, 2010 at 10:03 am  

    thanks dude! We’re cooking like a Haney Curry over here…

    • Porter Haney
      wrote on March 18th, 2010 at 10:21 am  

      Now that is hot!

  3. Greg
    wrote on March 18th, 2010 at 10:32 am  

    Dude I can’t help my dirty mind from thinking of all sorts of dirty captions for that picture of Dwyer through the V of the birch… lol. I’m loving looking at this man. thanks again. keep the shots coming!

    you need to a mini stoke post sometime soon when you get a good shot in the face to keep us all content on the EC

    • Porter Haney
      wrote on March 18th, 2010 at 10:38 am  

      Caption contest?

      Classic Dwyer move, trying to split trees, and rumble through the forest. He rooted this tree stand out as the tightest in the Wasatch. Only the densest will do.

    • Greg
      wrote on March 18th, 2010 at 12:12 pm  

      that’s not nearly dirty enough

    • Jtoots212
      wrote on March 19th, 2010 at 10:19 am  

      “Not even bottomless snow blasting him in the face could keep him from the crotch… equipped with goggles, helmet, and goretex head-to-toe, he was determined to reach his goal.”

  4. K_C
    wrote on March 21st, 2010 at 10:05 am  

    Nice to see some powder being organized

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