Carried (Away) Up the Trap Dike

By:  Greg
August 2, 2010

The only thing running through Port and Dwy’s mind right now? “I’d hitch up Matilda right out now NO PROBLEM!”
hitch up Matilda

As we headed up this is about what they saw for the entire journey:
the view of the Trap Dike from a six inche popsicle stick figure

This is the boulder that hangs over the final slab ascent above the Trap Dike. It totally would have gotten sent if Porter and Dwyer weren’t hitching a ride on Kristin.
not sent

You’re totally weighing me down guys!

With Porter and Dwyer off my back, I was able to complete the easy and fun chimney move nearby.
the easy bouldering atop Mt. Colden

As we descended Dwyer insisted on heading off into the fabled Adirondack Bush for a quick whack… we haven’t seen him since. We’re sure he’ll return.
Dwyer and Port head off into the bush

Hope you enjoyed a little bit of silly hiking humor as part two of HIKE WEEK. I think it just goes to show you that hiking can really be a lot of fun for all sorts of different reasons. I went to the Trap Dike intending to gather information on route, and anchor placement for a potential ski descent, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a lot of fun staging silly pictures of Porter and Dwyer. In any case, we here at FIS will be back at it again tomorrow with a SPA Trip hike. I’m also told that Lionel is working up some weather tips for you about what makes the perfect conditions for hiking. Enjoy! HIKE (or TREK for you Canadians)!

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Read about the author:   Greg
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: The Caboose is Loose

One Comments

  1. Dwyer
    wrote on August 3rd, 2010 at 12:51 am  

    Man was the bush thick in there.

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