Unofficial Opening Weekend at Stowe
By: Greg
November 30, 2009
We took a cut through the woods toward Starr. We ascended Goat for part of the ascent to Starr (which Ben and Allen descended just previously).


Allen on Starr

KC rocking Starr

This pic pretty much sums up the condtions: ShalLOW… deep high.

Read about the author: Greg
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Shittadar Peak
Related Stuff:
- TR: Unofficial Opening Weekend at Stowe 2009-2010 (UPDATED)
- Addition to the Unofficial Opening Weekend TR
- VTah Part I – Stowe Opening Day 2008
- TR: VTah Part I – Stowe Opening Day 2008
- NEW YEAR UPDATE: Another Holiday Weekend, Another Holiday Weekend Weather Outlook (with no – well ok just a little- booing AND POW)
- Opening Day Forecast….ehhhhhhh….
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Lionel Hutz wrote:
When one makes meatballs, one must begin with quality meats: ...
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wrote on November 28th, 2009 at 5:33 pmgreat photos and notes. wondered how badly skis/boards were gouged by rocks andlack of base esp on goat and other steep, choppy trails. were you using “rock skis?” good stuff. thanks
wrote on November 28th, 2009 at 8:11 pmThere was no problem with rocks and lack of base on upper mountain. We were mostly skiing drifts on the Front Four trails today. These tended to be deep and VERY dense.
wrote on November 28th, 2009 at 5:34 pmWell done! Wish i got up there earlier and found you guys..
wrote on November 28th, 2009 at 8:10 pmJust emailed you… sorry about that man. Next time FOR SURE. I’ll be better with phone business in the future. CALL ME… I suck at texting
wrote on November 28th, 2009 at 6:16 pmWow, this is awesome! Way to get after it! Glad to see something finally happening on the EC.
Now I just can’t wait to be back up in the NE to get some myself!
wrote on November 28th, 2009 at 8:41 pmNice – thanks for sharing.
wrote on November 28th, 2009 at 9:02 pmI’m jealous…
wrote on November 29th, 2009 at 4:14 pmgreat pics. awesome effort. winner
wrote on November 29th, 2009 at 6:16 pmGreat photos guys! Can’t wait to get up there myself….
Jonathan Shefftz
wrote on November 29th, 2009 at 8:41 pmMarch 16-21, 1981: My father and I take a ski trip to Stowe. Greek Peak’s mighty “Olympian” ski trail had prepared us well for National and Liftline, but what about Goat and Starr? Alas, we would not find out, as they were closed . . . which they would be for every subsequent visit of mine to Stowe over the years, whether competing in the Sugar Slalom or coaching at the UVM carnival, plus a random ski outing or two.
But this time, both Goat and Starr were in excellent condition, and thanks to the support of partners, I was able to summon up the courage to face one of the scariest ski trails not only at all of Stowe, or all of Vermont, or all of New England, or all of North America, but of the entire world!
I was so happy that after skiing I called my 80-year-old father with the good news.
A few random responses to some of the comments in the TR:
“Jonathan getting it started on National. Tell me he doesn’t look like Dick Durrance!”
I’d still put my money of Dick:
Or on KC – I think that’s the fastest I’ve ever been passed by a chick, outside of the racing scene.
“This kid’s name was actually Max Hammer. He liked ruts too.”
This guy had to be seen to be believed. He had mounted some Diamirs on a pair of (very) old Rossignol 4G gs skis. (I had a pair of these in 1989.) He made high-speed SuperG turns down everything.
Two years ago, almost to the day, he won a Nor-Am super combined with points of 12.47.
It’s one thing to be around former elite racers like Ben and Greg, but Max was something else altogether.
“Jonathan was already on his 5th lap (did you break 10K feet?)”
At 9,260′ at the top of Starr, I was tempted to add a little mini lap to crack 10k, but even I am able to resist the pull of mathematical goals … sometimes. (Combined with the prior day’s 7,000′ that must be some sort of PR for most vertical within 25 hours, or probably around 15,000′ for 24 hours, but keeping track of something like is even a little too contrived for me.)
Greg Louie
wrote on November 29th, 2009 at 9:15 pmNice pictures, guys and girls! Good to see Jonathan recovered from H1N1, too!
wrote on November 29th, 2009 at 10:45 pmYou guys suck.
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 12:55 amGlad to see there is some snow finally falling on the EC, Early season has been killer here is Whistler but seeing those beauty pics of Vermont still makes me homesick after 15 years. Keep em coming
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 7:43 amWhat is your opinion of the dynafits?
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 11:34 amI want another pair (my third)! Best thing ever.
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 11:35 amFYI I just coagulated both days into one TR. Sorry if it causes any confusion. I also moved everyone’s posts here.
Lionel Hutz
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 1:51 pmLove it Greg.
As a member of the weather team I’m happy I was able to help you have some fun! Now…if it would only last.
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 2:00 pmGreat photographic reportage as usual boys!
Looks like you had the same type of snowfall that we had at the hill I cannot publicly admit to going to on Saturday. A good 16-18″ of thick snow everywhere… rock skis were not required! Good first day of skinning too.
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 2:27 pmThe pics are just killer. My favorite has got to be TEO on Goat. KC Rockin Starr is a very close second.
Josh M. / Dromond
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 2:33 pmLooks like you all had an awesome time! I love the second photo and the first one of Jonathan. It was real in the Whites as well.
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 6:54 pmMind if I ask where you were schralping? We were “this” close to heading over. Prolly be over there sometime this week
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 2:36 pmExcellent!!! As many people hiking the hill this weekend. Jay was pretty sweet. We had to pass the border with borderguard questioning our sanity, remove fallen tree across 242, fight strong winds and hike in deep snow (DAMN BUENOS AIRES TAXI DRIVER!!!), but it was definitely worth it.
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 6:54 pmSWEET! I want to get up to Jay soon and play around. Did you hear any word on opening day?
Canadian hiker
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 10:14 pmSame thing for me. Going to Jay Peak and Crossing the border was hell.
border guard: Why are you heading to the US?
Me: Skiing Jay Peak?
borderguard: Why it’s closed?
I just wanted to answer: Yes but there is snow. Just let me go but I didn’t.
He check the trunk, open my bag and asked a shitload of question that they don’t asked usually. Being alone certainly didn’t help
Totally worth it. Did two laps. Figured I have to buy skins
Josh M. / Dromond
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 7:53 pmGreg,
Probably not where you would be headed, I skied Wildcat. The pessimist in me says that the trails there may or may not be wind-facked by now. They were moving in that direction when I left on Saturday, but who knows. On the other hand, who knows what filled in on Washington. I’m a panzy so I will leave the checking to you. Here’s my x-post from TGR:
The storm exceeded my expectations at Wildcat. I drove up from Maine just hoping for a few turns but reading the report from MW this morning of 18″ of snowfall got my hopes up. The snow line began only a couple miles before Pinkham notch, but by the ski area parking lot there was a 5″ layer of super heavy, wet snow. I was able to easily skin from the car. I followed two skin tracks up. The wind quickly picked up as elevation rose and was moving the snow around in a serious way. I never thought that I would miss skinning on frosty grass with 40mph wind gusts trying to rip my face off – but it was really awesome to be up there. I guesstimated that maybe 14″ had fallen near the summit, but depths where all over the place from 0″ and very rimey grass (which was surprisingly good for skinning) to 24″+ drifts. I passed two telemarkers struggling through a slabby section and someone on Fritschis near the top who was pretty stoked but had frozen hands and didn’t stop for long. Amazing, even with a wind near the summit that was almost strong enough to knock you over, the skiing was quite good. I would say it was 40% good, silky smooth consolidated pow turns, 40% too-slabby wind effect and 20% wind scoured side-stepping over grass, rocks and other crap. Even down low with the thin snow it was heavy enough that it was easy to float over the nonexistent base.
On the second run the snow conditions were deteriorating noticeably and my own turns in the windpack were getting increasingly wobbly so I decided to quit while ahead. As I cruised up to the lodge I noticed a crust forming on the wet snow down there. It looks like I got really lucky with the timing on this one. What a gift. Thanksgiving weekend is saved!
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 9:03 pmthe pics are in midseason form, NICE!
wrote on November 30th, 2009 at 9:09 pmGreg, according to the Jay website, they will open Saturday the 5th or friday the 4th if everything lines out. They would be stupid not opening, considering the snow there was of there saturday
jumpin jimmy
wrote on December 2nd, 2009 at 4:04 pmsweet photos! Keep em coming…
wrote on December 4th, 2009 at 1:56 amI ALWAYS root for the guy with a job. GO SAM!
wrote on December 4th, 2009 at 10:15 amI’m rooting for him too… but just for the record: We’re all working stiffs :D
point being: see you ALL on the hill!
wrote on December 4th, 2009 at 3:13 am@ Sam’s new photos. Those woods are great! I know just where that ramp is, too. Wilderness is definitely the place to be at Bolton.