A PNW Summer- Part 1

By:  Sam
September 6, 2011

Towards the end of June, a friend from high school arrived in town, and we headed out to the Olympic Coast to do some backpacking. In three days we saw some of the most beautiful and unusual terrain I’ve yet come across in the backcountry. I’m usually very anti-beach (more of a mountain guy…), but coastal hiking here was mind-blowing. Nowhere else in the lower-48 is it possible to hike for so far along undeveloped beach.

The tidal pools near Sand Point (our first campsite) were endlessly entertaining.

These little creepy-crawlys were everywhere.

Yellow Banks, our second campsite campsite

As we took in the view on this amazing private beach, we were treated to two whales playing to our left, while this sunset lit up the sky to the right.

It’s easy to feel the wonder of discovery out there, but we were hardly the first out on these beaches. At Wedding Rocks, it’s possible to see a number of native petroglyphs carved into the rocks on the beach. This one was particularly disturbing:

After our three days of walking, we headed back to Bellingham, but not before stopping to see the Dungeness Spit, near Port Angeles.

Along with amazing views, Dungeness Spit offered up one of the largest slugs I’ve seen since moving to Washington.

(Seriously though, is that a monstrous slug or what?)

Check back in a few days for part 2!

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  1. Porter Haney
    wrote on September 6th, 2011 at 9:41 pm  
  2. Dwyer
    wrote on September 7th, 2011 at 1:10 am  

    That’s a huge lemon

  3. MIcky O (ILOVE2SKI)
    wrote on September 8th, 2011 at 2:40 pm  
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