Adventures of a Colorado (non) Native

By:  Ben
May 30, 2011

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So far the Front Range has proved to be a rather difficult place for dawn patrols. While trailheads are just over a half hour away, the approaches can necessitate a fairly early start. Fortunately my friend Kye was in town, you may remember him from the Rogers Pass trip report, to give me some company mulling over a cup of espresso at 3:30 the next morning.

Moonshadows greeted us at the trailhead.

As the sun joined the moon, a sign told us that magical powder stashes were to be found to our left.

Kye spies: the moon, alpenglow, 20” of fresh snow and gorgeous 35 degree chutes. Looks like the early morning was worth it.

The snow was alright—for mid-May.

I only tele on days you can’t tell I’m teleing. 5x fast.

The view wasn’t terrible…

Kye opening it up into the middle gully. Can we call it Central Gully?

Thanks for reading and enjoy the summer!

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Read about the author:   Ben
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Cross Country Move


  1. K_C
    wrote on May 31st, 2011 at 10:35 am  

    Awesome TR Noah! Looks like you guys are enjoying yourselves out there.

    • Noah
      wrote on May 31st, 2011 at 11:43 pm  

      Thanks KC, it’s been a phenomenal season out here. You and Greg should come visit if you’re getting the urge come July…

  2. Skimohr
    wrote on May 31st, 2011 at 2:38 pm  

    Nice report guys. I was skiing up in the Indian Peaks late last week, a zone I used to ski frequently while living in Boulder through the 90s… I can’t believe how chock full those mountains still are this year! No doubt, the snowpack is still full of surprises…but June is going to be epic. It will be a good month to get to bed early… Be safe and have fun out there.

    • Noah
      wrote on June 1st, 2011 at 12:20 am  

      Glad you got to experience the snow firsthand, it’s been a phenomenal season and the higher peaks aren’t showing many signs of melting yet. We were up by the Maroon Bells this past weekend and they’ve got significantly more than the Front Range. Shouldn’t be hard to get 12 months this year!

  3. Porter Haney
    wrote on May 31st, 2011 at 5:26 pm  

    Great write up, Noah. Glad to have you.

    Always fun to pack up the car and root around somewhere new. Keep it up!

    • Noah
      wrote on May 31st, 2011 at 11:47 pm  

      Sure is, you’ve got to mix it up sometimes. Although after skiing that April 8-9 storm in Utah I’m thinking SLC wouldn’t have been a bad option either! You guys have got it pretty good this year.

  4. Max
    wrote on June 1st, 2011 at 4:06 am  

    Pretty awesome Noah, beautiful pictures. Hope I get to see more of the front range through you soon…

  5. Peter
    wrote on June 1st, 2011 at 8:06 am  

    Endless Winter, keep it coming!

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