Albino Fish
By: Sam
January 6, 2011
Allen, with Hells Highway in the background (I think… I’m pretty sure)
Chris drops in….
…Allen enjoys his first batch of turns….
…and Chris continues down the face.
Sure… it was this deep.
Shuksan makes for one cool ass background.
On the way out, we came across the grandaddy of all pillow lines. Gulp.
Allen gets a chubby for old growth, don’t tell his girlfriend.
So, that pretty much concludes our first foray up on Shuksan. The scenery is awesome, the runs are long, and we’ll definitely be back. If you haven’t checked out Allen’s video from that day yet, you should HERE.
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One Comments
wrote on January 9th, 2011 at 8:21 pmAHHHH, MY LEG!!!!!!!