Altarondacks — Episode 1

By:  Peter
March 26, 2011

After years of looking at this peak beckoning in the distance, finally we got to look at her snowfields from up close. The anticipation of schuss was palpable.

Jessie busted to the front.

We continually checked the snow stability on our ascent, took a short break at the summit, and then dropped in for some great high elevation pow turns.


Back up for another? “Heck yeah!” says Jake. He rips skins again above another fresh steep line off the summit.

And drops….



These were certainly some of the most satisfying turns of my life, maybe not the steepest/deepest/gnarliest, but certainly the culmination of years of anticipation executed on a perfect day with good friends, off a beautiful “Western” peak.

Still several more days of truck camping and skiing left in this week. Stay tuned for Episode 2?


About Peter Wadsworth:
He’s an enginerd by day, a skinning fanatic by dusk and dawn. Unlike the rest of Famous Internet Skiers he has never skied in a climbing harness, he’s scared of hucking anything bigger than 6”, and he hasn’t drank a MHL in years. He was, however, made a Cloudveil Mountain Ambassador for his love of all kinds of backcountry skiing in the Northeast and taking photos to share the stoke with others. Most dawns&dusks he’s joined in the skin track by his partner Jessie and his celebrity dog Carter, both of whom work and ski harder than him.

THANKS for reading this TR about the “West of the East (Coast)” on FIS… want to read about the “East of the East (Coast)?” Click HERE!

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  1. TSQ
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 7:14 am  

    Looking out my front window I thought I saw you guys up there. Yep, there’s no steep skiing in the east….great photos!

  2. joshg
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 7:31 am  

    Nice report Peter & Crew.

  3. dave
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 8:30 am  

    sweet photos.. marcy?

  4. efoxx
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 3:52 pm  

    Looks great! Was that Algonquin snowfields? Coverage looks great. I plan on getting out there next weekend. Nice TR.

  5. jake
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 9:45 pm  

    yeahh Peter. Sweet TR. I am glad I stopped in to FIS while away in Telluride to find this. I hope the new snow back east is keeping things fun.

  6. powhounddd
    wrote on March 28th, 2011 at 8:51 pm  
  7. Hodess
    wrote on March 29th, 2011 at 1:46 pm  
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