Altarondacks — Episode 1

By:  Peter
March 26, 2011

While The East Coast Bureau of F.I.S. was preparing for, and then executing, a well fought win in this year’s East Coast Super Shoot, Jessie and I (remember me from here and here?) were taking a much anticipated week of vacation together. Jessie and I normally get out skiing a few times every week, but usually only for a few hours, often at dawn or dusk, when our so-called “real” jobs will allow. This week of vacation, however, would be ours to spend long days exploring new (to us) lines in areas that we’ve never made it to, even though we can see some of them from home in Burlington. We did this trip sleeping and cooking in the back of our little-big red truck ‘Clifford’.

We started by heading towards Jessie’s hometown in the North East Kingdom of Vermont. There’s an area out there that we had started to explore years ago, but never made it back to. My estimates from topo maps say that this zone has roughly 18,000acres of mountainous terrain without a single road, trail, shelter, or sign. There are a few old logging roads, but for the most part, this land is wild. And snowy. Jessie and Carter the Powderhound headed off to see what these Vermont hardwoods had to offer.

Despite rain in the city, the northern mountains had a beautiful coating of frosted cream cheese snow.

Our exploration was rewarded with many laps through wide open birch glades.

The Powderhound approved

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Read about the author:   Peter
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  1. TSQ
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 7:14 am  

    Looking out my front window I thought I saw you guys up there. Yep, there’s no steep skiing in the east….great photos!

  2. joshg
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 7:31 am  

    Nice report Peter & Crew.

  3. dave
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 8:30 am  

    sweet photos.. marcy?

  4. efoxx
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 3:52 pm  

    Looks great! Was that Algonquin snowfields? Coverage looks great. I plan on getting out there next weekend. Nice TR.

  5. jake
    wrote on March 27th, 2011 at 9:45 pm  

    yeahh Peter. Sweet TR. I am glad I stopped in to FIS while away in Telluride to find this. I hope the new snow back east is keeping things fun.

  6. powhounddd
    wrote on March 28th, 2011 at 8:51 pm  
  7. Hodess
    wrote on March 29th, 2011 at 1:46 pm  
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