Christmas Break in Snowy Utah
By: Ben
December 29, 2010
Two days later we checked out Cardiff Fork. The snow was a little wind-affected, but there was still good skiing to be had!
The bluebird was replaced by a few inches of snow to sweeten the deal…
We spied a good looking line from across the valley…
Dug a pit a the top to evaluate the snowpack…
And proceeded to Make Schuss down the chute!
Me standing right below the choke
Mark styling the narrows
And down to the apron!
Read about the author: Ben
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Porter Haney
wrote on December 29th, 2010 at 1:44 pmYeeeeeeeeeehaw. Nice shots, Ben. Another 50 on the way with more fun planned this weekend. Must be a lot of Ullr praying going on.
wrote on December 29th, 2010 at 4:09 pmThere’s too much snow, these pics are useless. I can’t tell if Kate is on her new gotamas or not.
savant skis
wrote on December 30th, 2010 at 12:41 pmGreat pics. Thanks for sharing – looking forward to a west coast trip to A-basin and surrounding area, but it seems like you FIS people only go to Utah? Yes? In any case share some snow with us in the east……..
wrote on December 30th, 2010 at 7:20 pmWe don’t only ski in Utah, but it sure is a nice place to go!
In this case, my girlfriend (Kate) is working at Alta, so a trip to Utah was a no-brainer…
Fortunately for you, Summit County has also been having a great start to the season (although there is almost no snow east of the Continental Divide), so you should have a good western trip!