Christmas Break in Snowy Utah

By:  Ben
December 29, 2010

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Yesterday was nice and sunny. It was also Mark’s last full day in Utah and Kate had the day off. We decided to head up White Pine to see what we could find…

Skintracks are steep in the Wasatch…

When we got to the top of our first run we got a real treat. There wasn’t a breath of wind and it was brilliantly sunny. We ate a leisurely lunch while enjoying the view of snow covered mountains surrounding us on all sides.

Thunder Ridge. The Hypodermic Needle looks good!

But we couldn’t just sit around and eat all day! The powder wasn’t just going to ski itself…

Mark enjoying some of Utah’s finest

Kate dropped in next…

and carved up the apron below!

Mark doing the “sponsor shot”

After a second run, I ran into my friend Stu. Kate and Mark were tired, so they skied out while Stu and I headed up to the top of the drainage for one more run…

Stu skinning up toward our line

After a long skin and a short boot-pack we found ourselves at the top of the ridge, ready to ski a slightly wind affected but beautiful looking chute

Stu getting ready to schuss

By the end of the day, clouds had moved in, heralding the next storm to hit the Wasatch.

Thanks for looking! If you’re in Utah, stay tuned for updates on the current snowstorm!

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  1. Porter Haney
    wrote on December 29th, 2010 at 1:44 pm  

    Yeeeeeeeeeehaw. Nice shots, Ben. Another 50 on the way with more fun planned this weekend. Must be a lot of Ullr praying going on.

  2. K_C
    wrote on December 29th, 2010 at 4:09 pm  

    There’s too much snow, these pics are useless. I can’t tell if Kate is on her new gotamas or not.

  3. savant skis
    wrote on December 30th, 2010 at 12:41 pm  

    Great pics. Thanks for sharing – looking forward to a west coast trip to A-basin and surrounding area, but it seems like you FIS people only go to Utah? Yes? In any case share some snow with us in the east……..

    • Ben
      wrote on December 30th, 2010 at 7:20 pm  

      We don’t only ski in Utah, but it sure is a nice place to go!

      In this case, my girlfriend (Kate) is working at Alta, so a trip to Utah was a no-brainer…

      Fortunately for you, Summit County has also been having a great start to the season (although there is almost no snow east of the Continental Divide), so you should have a good western trip!

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