Christmas Break in Snowy Utah

By:  Ben
December 29, 2010

After the insane deepness of VTAH 5 a few weeks ago, I left the east coast and flew to Utah. Since then I’ve been bouncing around between Alta, Park City, and SLC and skiing every day. Over 100 inches of snow have fallen since then on top of an already-impressive early season base. I haven’t had a whole lot of time to get pictures online, but here is a summary of some of the adventures of the last three weeks.

As soon as I got to Alta, it started snowing. After a few days of powder skiing inbounds to get my bearings, I began to poke around the sidecountry. It was immediately apparent that there was a lot of snow!

I didn’t take many pictures over the first few days, but I couldn’t resist taking advantage of some golden hour light

Walker ripping up Stonecrusher

Devil’s Castle opened up and Walker grabbed a picture of me

Another storm came in a few days later, dropping a foot of fluff. I ran into a few guys in the Alta sidecountry and got some Utah bluebird powder shots

Unfortunately, Kate and I had an errand to run in Colorado, so we left Utah behind for a few days. We decided to check out the schussing opportunities at Berthoud Pass along the way though…

Kate likes skiing in the sun!

It snowed in Colorado too!

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  1. Porter Haney
    wrote on December 29th, 2010 at 1:44 pm  

    Yeeeeeeeeeehaw. Nice shots, Ben. Another 50 on the way with more fun planned this weekend. Must be a lot of Ullr praying going on.

  2. K_C
    wrote on December 29th, 2010 at 4:09 pm  

    There’s too much snow, these pics are useless. I can’t tell if Kate is on her new gotamas or not.

  3. savant skis
    wrote on December 30th, 2010 at 12:41 pm  

    Great pics. Thanks for sharing – looking forward to a west coast trip to A-basin and surrounding area, but it seems like you FIS people only go to Utah? Yes? In any case share some snow with us in the east……..

    • Ben
      wrote on December 30th, 2010 at 7:20 pm  

      We don’t only ski in Utah, but it sure is a nice place to go!

      In this case, my girlfriend (Kate) is working at Alta, so a trip to Utah was a no-brainer…

      Fortunately for you, Summit County has also been having a great start to the season (although there is almost no snow east of the Continental Divide), so you should have a good western trip!

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