Cold Town, Winter in the City

February 28, 2011

As eloquent as the Lovin’ Spoonful put it in summer of ’66,  we took it upon ourselves to adjust their classic tune for another season – Cold Town, Winter in the City.   Not just any cold town either, but the cold town that harbors tasty treats for schussers of any geography, POW TOWN.

(btw, check out that Lovin’ Spoonful link, I haven’t seen chops that big since Dwyer cooked up a wild boar)

Utah, Vermont, and everywhere in between was slated to get POW’d upon this weekend.  L_H had it nailed in the forecast – Utah was replete with waist, to chest, to face deep powder.

No story would be complete without a cast of main characters, and for this tale POW TOWN is filled with the following residents: Colby “gotta have my fiber” Gilmore, Dwyer “I ski better then Reinhold climbs” Haney, and Brad “I named my dog after Porter” Wilson.

With the sliders cast for their mission, we headed into the corner of the Wasatch that looks very similar to the mid elevations of Vermont, and found some of the deepest, driest powder to grace Utah since Cold Smokey and the Bandit.

After a good while of skinning and snooping, Colby topped his way out on the ridge, above the trees, and gave the classic, “Pull my finger,” and proceeded to commence a powder run where you had to syncronize your turns and your breaths, lest you choke on this smoky cold smoke.

He didn’t just start turning down the hill, he was literally storming down the hill.  The kind of turn you can only make when the snow is as deep as it can get.  Mostly straight, with a little bounce here and there, to un-weight one ski and weight another.

Colby unsubmerged himself and came out for a quick visit.

Only to go right back into the thick of things and deeper into the Aspen forest.

Down and down he schussed, until we reached a meadow that hadn’t seen skiers in days, and had filled itself until it was brimming with fresh powder.  Colby took one look at it, and decided he’d do it justice by plowing his own route down it.

Trailing a cloud of powder, and a desire for more, Colby gathered speed and burst into another fresh field.

The deeper we went, the deeper it got.  (Has anyone ever used the word Deeper for a ski movie before?!?!?!)

By now, Colby started to realized that if this was POW TOWN than he would soon be elected Mayor.  He piled into the electorate and breeched the city limits, with one of the biggest turns of the day.

Without affair, and with his best powder basket forward, Colby took one last jaunt in POW TOWN.  He knew the sun would be up soon, and wanted to leave some of the town’s namesake for Dwyer and Brad.

Watch the sun come out in page 2 of POW TOWN.

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Read about the author:   Porter Haney
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