Consolation Prize

By:  Greg
October 2, 2011

Doubtlessly not alone in my tempered insanity, this past weekend visions of silly skiing, snowliage and–well–snow, schussed through my head. Just out of reach this time (although apparently not if you live far enough…south?), there wouldn’t be any skiing in Vermont this first week of October. We’ll just have to wait a bit longer with fingers crossed for a beast on par with last October’s mid month surprise(s). In the meantime, our consolation prize, the manifestation of a gathering winter, and our surest sign that cooler times are not too far ahead remains constrained to–oddly enough–the warm colors draped across our mountains.
warm colors draped across our mountains

Much like how The Season itself sneaks up on me, every year I blink in the green depths of midsummer, only to look up and realize the mountain is on fire.
mountain on fire

mountain on fire

Despite the fact that while 10sk8ing we had ample opportunity to keep tabs, the sudden arrival of colors this fall has still been just a blur.
A blur of colors

Call me an out-of-state-er at heart, but The Change always leaves me in awe. Sometimes, no matter how annoying it might be to the guy behind me also on his way to work, I just have to pull over, and have a closer look.
A closer look

A closer look

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  1. MIcky O (ILOVE2SKI)
    wrote on October 2nd, 2011 at 4:41 pm  

    Great pics, looking nice up there right now.

    • Greg
      wrote on October 2nd, 2011 at 5:06 pm  

      Thanks Micky

  2. Harvey44
    wrote on October 2nd, 2011 at 6:18 pm  

    Two points to the guys/girls who decided to plant sugar maples all along the roads in NY/VT. Nice pics Greg, a treat.

  3. madskier
    wrote on October 3rd, 2011 at 12:53 pm  

    Amazing pics…Is FIS putting out a calendar this year?

  4. savant
    wrote on October 3rd, 2011 at 3:24 pm  

    waiting for them snowliage pics!

    • Greg
      wrote on October 3rd, 2011 at 3:42 pm  

      stay tuned!! Believe me… so am I… so am I…

  5. bushman
    wrote on October 3rd, 2011 at 10:21 pm  

    and you know those pics don’t do justice to what Greg saw. Those sights are what make people ride a BUS from down yonder for days to see. Once unloaded them for $.50/bag when there was a HJ hotel on williston rd in burlington, now a friendly’s,all them people from Tennessee come to the the trees.
    As for snow, well Lionel was right about the weather and timing, just off a few hundred miles SOUTH– here’a link:

    won’t be long. will check in. heading north saturday to trim some pesky twigs on my routes

  6. icelanticskier
    wrote on October 4th, 2011 at 2:28 pm  

    mmmmmmmm, peepshow. nice work!


  7. Sam
    wrote on October 5th, 2011 at 12:09 am  

    Damn dude, nice pictures.

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