Loving Life on Larrabee

By:  Sam
January 30, 2011

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After several minutes of reflecting on what we just skied, we packed up and headed back towards the hut.

The final tiring climb of the day afforded us some awesome views of Larrabee as it faded into the flat light.

Upon reaching the hut, Allen and I gorged ourselves on our remaining food, drank the last of our water, said goodbye to the group and head out towards the valley. There was still plenty of time left in the day, but we were also still 8 miles from the car and wanted to allow time for problem solving on the way out. Things had been going so smoothly so far that we felt sure that we were in store for a hang-up somewhere.

Thankfully, our fears were unfounded. The steep gully that we skied to regain the road was filled with soft avalanche debris, but was totally manageable.

Several more miles of road skiing, and a bit of walking, had us at the car by late afternoon. Twenty minutes later we were at the bar clinking glasses to an awesome two days in the mountains.

He’ll probably make fun of me for writing this, but feel that I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I was a little star-struck skiing with Jason the last few days. When I was living in Vermont deciding where I wanted to move, it wasn’t Utah’s light powder, or Alaska’s remoteness, but the ruggedness of Washington’s North Cascades as portrayed in Jason’s TR’s that really caught my eye. The way Jason captured the crazy adventures he and Kyle Miller were going on really made me want to move here and explore the terrain myself. It was a pleasure to get to ski with the guy who had provided so much e-motivation over the years.

If you liked this TR and want to check out more content like this, I suggest that you check out Jason Hummels site HERE

or any of the other sites I’ve linked below:

…you might end up moving out here like I did.

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Read about the author:   Sam
Enjoy this TR? Read another: 5 Days in the Stuart Range


  1. Chris
    wrote on January 30th, 2011 at 4:55 pm  

    Amazing shots Sam, nice work. Those mountains are unreal. Glad to see you guys are getting after what you moved out there for. Great trip report, thanks for sharing.

  2. Ben
    wrote on January 30th, 2011 at 8:51 pm  

    awesome stuff!!! that looks like a great adventure, exactly what I imagine ski mountaineering in WA to be! I can’t wait to get out there this spring some time!

  3. K_C
    wrote on January 31st, 2011 at 10:16 am  

    Nice story and photos! The skiing wasn’t bad either…

  4. Alex
    wrote on January 31st, 2011 at 1:00 pm  

    Spectacular! That is what they call a TR. Nice tribute to those who came before you, too.

  5. Anonymous
    wrote on January 31st, 2011 at 2:56 pm  

    awesome trip! thanks for sharing!

  6. christian
    wrote on January 31st, 2011 at 7:51 pm  

    woof! way to snag first tracks ahead of the pack :) nothin’ like an overnighter for sloppy 6ths in some of the most remote mountains in the country. :P
    seriously though, awesome TR.

  7. savantskis
    wrote on February 1st, 2011 at 1:50 pm  

    sweet…thanks for writing this great inspiration

  8. savantskis
    wrote on February 1st, 2011 at 1:51 pm  

    sweeeeeet…thanks for writing this great inspiration

  9. Nick
    wrote on February 1st, 2011 at 1:58 pm  

    Wow, what an awesome trip! Glad you got to ski your line!

  10. Eduardo Blanchard
    wrote on February 4th, 2011 at 6:16 pm  

    Hey guys, fun meeting you up there- cool vid and pics too! You did well to ski out when you did- when we left, maybe an hour later, the top of the gully below the hut had frozen solid!

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