Meat Week Part II: Grilling the Grillables

By:  K_C
July 7, 2011

On our way out of Moab we made a trip through Canyonlands. Of course, being the FIS, we had to take the sidedoor in through the park (this was also necessitated by getting booted from Arches the previous night for being in the park “suspiciously late”.) This also necessitated a long trip alongside the Colorado River in the bottom of the “canyonlands” first…
the colorado river

…and then a clever way from the bottom of the “canyonlands” (seriously, who came up with this name? A caveman could have come up with a better name) to the top of the “canyonlands.” (woah now!! steep road!)
the side door into Canyonlands

The Chicken Taco (with a little help from John Mellencamp blasting through its speakers) was up for the challenge though.
the side door into Canyonlands

Unfortunately, when we got to the top of the road, and found ourselves at the end of the paved tourist road at “Grand Vista Point” or whatever the extremely creative namers of “Canyonlands” decided it should be called, we also came to the end of the desert portion of Meat Week. We had run out of Sun Chips, and we were therefore forced to say “goodbye” to Southern Utah. We each took a moment for solemn reflection on our own unique spiritual Meat Week in the desert.
porter reflecting
G reflecting
KC reflecting

Porter actually took two moments of reflection by doing an interpretive dance of the Canyonlands (mostly to demonstrate the fact that literally ANYTHING is more creative than the names this park came up with).
Porter reflecting again

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Read about the author:   K_C
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: South Early Winter Spire


  1. Roger Kappe
    wrote on July 7th, 2011 at 10:10 am  

    Making the world a better, more beautiful place… One TR at a time. Thanks Guys. Awesome Pictures.

    P.S. My vote is for “PBRches” lol.

  2. Peter
    wrote on July 7th, 2011 at 1:06 pm  

    Great stuff Kristin, thanks.

  3. christian
    wrote on July 7th, 2011 at 4:41 pm  

    was ben ok with you guys getting ALL the corn? staaaan daaarch!

  4. Harvey44
    wrote on July 8th, 2011 at 10:26 am  

    Great TRs from KC. Scenery is awesome, but I like the skiing pics best.

  5. Kate B
    wrote on July 8th, 2011 at 10:32 am  

    Looks like a great trip, sorry I missed you guys! Kristin you have a very convenient BSL ;)

  6. MadPatSki
    wrote on July 12th, 2011 at 11:08 am  

    Catching up on my TRs. NICE!!!

    Skiing out West in the Summer is sweet!!! Other non-skiing stuff also doesn’t suck.

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