Meat Week Part II: Grilling the Grillables

By:  K_C
July 7, 2011

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We drove non stop from Epic Scenic View Ledge (…whatever….) in Canyonlands straight to Salt Lake City with just one stop for gas and peeing (you can tell Greg was driving). When we got back though, we realized we actually had one more day left in Utah. So with Snowbird still open, and ourselves purporting to be the “FamousInternetSkiers,” we had to schuss. And schuss we did.

But first we had to buy tickets.
Ticket on KC's shirt

Riding this cool, breezy Tram sure beats skinning in 75+ degree sunny weather.
riding the tram beats skinning

We made sure to hit ALL of the corn
Porter hitting ALL the corn

June 26th? Seriously?
skiing at Snowbird

But that made us tired, so we took a break and built some stuff on Baldy. Greg called this structure he wasted 20 minutes on, alternatively, “PBRches,” “The Wasarch,” “More like Stan dARCHes,” or simply “Keystoned.” Either way, he’s a dork.
arch on Baldy Peak in the Wasatch

After G’s little adventure in emulating Andy Goldsworthy, we decided to hit all of the off-piste corn we could find in Main Chute on Baldy. But first we got to enjoy the scenery on the summit snowfields (June 26th? Seriously?)
the summit snowfields of Baldy

Then we enjoyed Main Chute proper (thanks again Kate for lending me your skis!).
Main Chute
Greg in Main Chute on Baldy

It wasn’t the sickest most hardcore trip ever (not even close) but it was damn fun. Good thing I was with two kick ass (good movie, btw) guys the whole time.

As a parting gift, here’s a something that didn’t really fit anywhere into this narrative I devised: Greg doing flips on the Bungee/Trampoline thing at Snowbird. Wow… such a dork.
greg doing flips at snowbird

Oh hi, Ben. Were you hiking alongside the truck this whole time? Oh silly me… you probably biked/kayaked the 1300 miles. NBD.
was ben with us or not?

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Read about the author:   K_C
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Coleman Headwall Success


  1. Roger Kappe
    wrote on July 7th, 2011 at 10:10 am  

    Making the world a better, more beautiful place… One TR at a time. Thanks Guys. Awesome Pictures.

    P.S. My vote is for “PBRches” lol.

  2. Peter
    wrote on July 7th, 2011 at 1:06 pm  

    Great stuff Kristin, thanks.

  3. christian
    wrote on July 7th, 2011 at 4:41 pm  

    was ben ok with you guys getting ALL the corn? staaaan daaarch!

  4. Harvey44
    wrote on July 8th, 2011 at 10:26 am  

    Great TRs from KC. Scenery is awesome, but I like the skiing pics best.

  5. Kate B
    wrote on July 8th, 2011 at 10:32 am  

    Looks like a great trip, sorry I missed you guys! Kristin you have a very convenient BSL ;)

  6. MadPatSki
    wrote on July 12th, 2011 at 11:08 am  

    Catching up on my TRs. NICE!!!

    Skiing out West in the Summer is sweet!!! Other non-skiing stuff also doesn’t suck.

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