Powder Sandwiches

March 30, 2011

3. Ciabatta Toppers

Dwyer wasn’t about ready to let the out of towners steal the entire show.  Not only was he prepared with fresh bread, he happened to break bread with Old Man Winter (OMW), and organized a powder schuss with the missing element of yet – SUNSHINE.

At first OMW was hesitant to hand over the reigns to such an important ingredient to enjoyable schuss, yet when he saw what Dwyer could do with the clouds, he knew his ingredients we’re in good hands.  (Bakers take note, that’s a metaphor for what Dwyer will do with Ciabatta rolls!)

With everything Dwyer need to accomplish his goal of topping off a enormously tasty sandwich, and a story of powder schuss, he took charge, and did just that.

ridge schuss

Is it just me, or does that immature sastrugi look like a tasty crust on a nice loaf of french bread?  Let’s take another gander.

I think so, and it’s making me hungry.  HUNGRY FOR 2 SANDWICHES!

One meadow at a time, D rumbled through, using the light to his advantage, adding a little extra cheese before the final bread was placed.

making omw proud

Making OMW and Sandwich artists everywhere proud!

Powder was getting packed, sandwiches were being topped.  There was only one thing left to do!  Eat the delicious thing!

And, so we did.  Good gracious.  That was fun.  Skiing pow, taking pictures of it, writing about Sandwiches.  I’m about to run down to the deli and mow down on a delicious Italian Cold Cut.  Thanks for reading FamousInternetSkiers.com.  Please keep us in mind next time you need any lunchtime advice.

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Read about the author:   Porter Haney
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Slackfest 2010 — A(nother) Trifecta


  1. Beef Wellington III
    wrote on March 30th, 2011 at 8:25 pm  
  2. Butch Chamberlain
    wrote on March 31st, 2011 at 10:35 am  

    Just as always. They deliver! Very much WOW POW! Sometimes you have to travel to a deli that is farther away, in order to get the real goods. Way to have at it.

    • Porter Haney
      wrote on March 31st, 2011 at 11:17 am  

      Sometimes you just have to go to the deli and tell ’em to, “Load it up!”

  3. Josh A
    wrote on April 4th, 2011 at 2:41 pm  
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