Skiing Mt. Colden’s Trap Dike
By: Greg
February 17, 2011
We descended down varying slabs toward the Trap Dike…
…and entered the Dike.
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wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 9:20 amVery nicely written – I know how long you’ve wanted to ski that, glad you got it!
Josh A
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 9:22 amgood stuff man, I gotta get across the lake and do some high peak schussing one of these days
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 11:09 amgreat TR.
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 2:45 pmnice work boyz
Greg B
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 4:28 pmNice TR and quality photos. Very jealous. Skied the True North slide on Gothics with an ascent up the North Face last year. Similar adventure involved, but this descent looks a dab trickier. Nice work.
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 5:43 pmhaute cinq!!
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 6:21 pmawesome TR!!
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 8:07 pmFor the uninformed … where does the term “Trap Dike” come from? I googled and learned about how it was formed, but couldn’t find any info on the origin of name. Great pics as usually Greg.
I think on April Fools Day you guys should ski some groomers and post a report!
wrote on April 12th, 2011 at 2:45 pmHey Harv. Just getting back to this TR now to do replies. Sorry for the delay. Thanks for reading though!
I’m actually not sure where the name comes from! Dang… great question. I’ll ask around.
wrote on February 28th, 2021 at 7:17 pm[* Shield Security plugin marked this comment as “Pending Moderation”. Reason: Human SPAM filter found “t.the” in “author_email” *]
Way late to the party, but – I don’t specifically know the origins of the whole name, but of course “dike” is the geologic term for a rock formation that fills in a crack in an older, pre-existing rock formation. The Trap Dike is the result of an igneous intrusion into a large crack in the anorthosite that makes up much of the high peaks region.
I expect that there are two likely possibilities for the “Trap” part of the name. One is that trap rock is a dark intrusive or extrusive igneous rock, including gabbro, which is the specific type of rock that formed the Trap Dike. It seems likely that geologists (or other knowledgeable types) at the nearby McIntyre Iron Works might have given it the name.
The other possibility is that “trap” may be derived from an earlier word (starting from Latin, AFAIK, and later including Dutch) that means step or stairs. The name of the Trapps, in the Shawangunk Mountains a couple of hundred miles south, is thought to be derived from the Dutch.
wrote on March 1st, 2021 at 10:44 amDefinitely late, but always welcome!
wrote on March 1st, 2021 at 10:45 amThanks for all this great info. And yes, it’s notable “Trapps” cliff at the ‘Gunks is similarly named!
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 8:20 pmNuts!!! I was just looking at a pic of Trap Dike earlier today and wondering if any nutter had tried skiing it… what a coincidence! Further evidence of FIS burliness. Way to go!!!!!
wrote on February 17th, 2011 at 11:24 pmUnreal! Kudos! I hike in that area every summer, and never once did I think that was skiable. BTW how are the conditions up there? From what I have heard the ADKs haven’t been getting the snows VT has. I was planning on headed up for a tour this weekend but got scared away by the thaw to freeze that is forecasted.
Butch Chamberlain
wrote on February 22nd, 2011 at 2:27 pmHey Hey. Lookee here. That does look just a bit tricky. Seen this area from afar but never ventured, even in the warm months. Needs some serious thought in this adventure. Looks like ya got it good. Nice pics as well.
I haven’t seen too much of the DAKs for prolly a good five years or so. Have done a bit of tree hugging over there but not much. Must try to find something that is low aspect and try it out. Way to get it again.
wrote on February 23rd, 2011 at 8:37 pmExcellent TR. Love the photos. Aren’t even locals and y’ll not only know how to locate the thing, but can ski it. Way to go!
wrote on February 24th, 2011 at 2:15 pmHA. Well thanks for the compliment! We appreciated your help in getting a sense of snow conditions over there! Thanks for reading the TR!
wrote on February 25th, 2011 at 10:04 amAny idea of whether it has been skiied before? Is this a first?
wrote on February 25th, 2011 at 10:38 amGood question. Definitely not a first. I’ll comment more on this later when I get to a real computer.
wrote on February 25th, 2011 at 10:22 pmThanks…. a great story in any case, and if it is not the first time it has been skiied, it is certainly the first time it has been documented like this.
wrote on April 12th, 2011 at 2:40 pmThanks for this second compliment… to answer your question more completely (sorry for the excessive delay here; i simply forgot to come back to this), this is not a first, but as you mentioned, the first time it’s been documented like this.
The backcountry ski documentation in the high peaks is a bit sketchy. Alot of stuff that has been done is documented merely by someone (and his/her friends) saying “yeah it was done.” Little is out there in the way of pictures, or Trip Reports, etc for many of the larger ski descents.
That’s all well and fine for most of the objectives in the Adirondacks–I understand that much of their allure is their mystery–but for something as noteworthy as the Trap Dike, I feel happy to have been able to contribute what I believe is the first well documented photo journal of a ski descent. As I said… I’m under no illusions that this was a first descent.
To those critics of this TR out there… I hope you’ll grant me at least one observation: I think this TR respects the Adirondack tradition of mystery and limited “beta”…
wrote on April 13th, 2011 at 10:55 amI trust you are familiar with the pioneers of crazy backcountry skiing, from that long-ago (at least to some) era known as the Seventies? Informally known as the Ski-to-Die Club, they skiied many of the “impossible” routes in the High Peaks back when equipment was nothing like it is now …. they were documented in an article in the Adirondack Explorer about two years ago (article by Alan Wechsler).
wrote on July 12th, 2011 at 8:53 amNoTrace:
I’m indeed quite familiar with The Club and the article you mention. It’s quite a treat, and the story of Otis’ Gully alone is worth the read. (I still have no idea how one could ski Otis’ Gully without a tremendous rappel at the bottom…it’s sheer cliff!!)
To go back to my prior comment though, I’d say the article and the documentation of the ski descents that it contains is in the spirit of “someone (and his/her friends) saying ‘yeah it was done.'” I didn’t see any pictures or story that really took me there.
So my point is merely (as stated above) that I think this is the first top to bottom photo journal trip report of the occurrence. The Wechsler article is hardly a report, but instead is a publication announcing the descent. Not that there’s nothing wrong with it… I’d just call this trip report on FIS characteristically different from the Wechsler article.
Of course, maybe one doesn’t think there is a need for a top to bottom photo journal trip report of skiing the Trap Dike of the type found here on FIS… but that’s another matter. I (obviously) thought there was a need (and the demand) for one, and hence this TR.
wrote on July 12th, 2011 at 2:40 pmNo skin off your back for documenting this off-the-wall trip. The vast majority of us would never attempt it, so this gives us a chance to experience it vicariously.