The (Other) Sugar Slalom

By:  Greg
April 5, 2011

KC continued to weave her tapestry down the mountainside; through the salivating pines.
KC weaves her tapestry

Across the valley, we saw another group struggling with the same trials and tribulations. Can you spot the skier?
a sight of skiers across the valley

Wearing neon green in an attempt to blend in with the krumholz, we witnessed from a distance as the skier barely escaped from the web of trees with their life. Thank Ullr.
a skier wearing neon green

We pushed on trying to find a way out of the labyrinth.
lost in the labryinth

Left, right, north and south though; all were mired with hungry krumholz. We came to a precipice. A steep slope with cliffs falling 30 feet or more straight into the mouths of devil trees. What to do?
a steep slope with cliffs falling into hungry krumholz

Schuss! The krumholz can’t see you when you’re schussing.
krumholz can't see you when you're schussing

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Read about the author:   Greg
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  1. Adrian
    wrote on April 5th, 2011 at 10:46 am  

    Great shots as always, dude.
    Man sunday was such a great day! Doesn’t get much better up there than that.

  2. bill
    wrote on April 5th, 2011 at 6:44 pm  

    nice stuff dudes and KC wish i was there

  3. powhounddd
    wrote on April 5th, 2011 at 8:57 pm  

    better than a great day at work. Rather be eaten by elf trees. Way to get the surf!

  4. savant skis
    wrote on April 7th, 2011 at 12:00 pm  

    looks like some sweetness up there fellas….heading to tucks this weekend if weather holds – would love some company but don’t see any reason to come over with snow like that….B

  5. Skimtwashington
    wrote on April 9th, 2011 at 3:37 pm  

    This is New England backcountry at it’s best..uh..worst…uh..well… oh, it’s hard but rewarding! Definitely a classic premier photo or two.

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