The Wasatch Sanction

April 12, 2011

With three agents down, W.A.LU. reached out to me. Giving me little option to say no, (apparently my collection of jade and bejeweled chopsticks had drawn the interest of the I.R.S) I accepted the sanction. Knowing the dangers posed by Dendrite I demanded that Agent P, Special Operative B and Master Sargent K join me. I began the attack where Agent D left off


Dendrite fought back, trying to suffocate me

Dentrite attacks L.H.

A tactic I would come to expect

More Suffocation

Special Operative B encountered the same defense

Ben suffocated

Feeling the battle slipping in favor of Dendrite, Master Sargent K threw herself into the fray. For her, danger isn’t an option.

MS K attacks

She laughs in face of Dendrite’s worst.

MS K laughs

With haste, Special Operative B launched a flanking attack on the target. He was met with heavy resistance.

SOB flanks

but refused to quit,

S.O. B refuses to quit

and with a whooping battle cry, emerged from the grips of the “other side.”

SO B pevails

With his ferocious attack, Special Operative B turned the tide of the day. Sensing our foe on the ropes, we pressed the advance. Leading the charge, Agent P drove headlong into Dendrite’s elite guard,

Agent P presses the charge

and proceeded to boff that quiff.

Agent P boffs that quiff

Following on his heels I charged into Dendrite’s communications network, slashing my way through his rear echelon,

LH advances the charge

my black diamond edges proving to be too much for the broken defenders.

LH slays with diamonds

With Dendrite and his agents in tatters, we advanced, driving  them to the edge.

To the edge

With a mighty roar, the young Special Operative B finished off Dendrite and pushed him off the edge:

SOB finishes the job.

And with that, the sanction of Dendrite was complete.

Much thanks to Lionel Hutz for the magical prose and superior sanctioning skills, Justin Altman for his keen eye in finding and exploiting Dendrite’s weaknesses through his B&W beauties, Ben Peters for his innate ability to get deeper into Dendrite’s layer then anyone else all while wielding his 40D, and Solitude Mountain Resort for hosting a portion of this Dendrite expose.  It’s all fun and games here at FIS – Check out Vermont’s invasion of New Hampshire.

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Read about the author:   Porter Haney
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  1. K_C
    wrote on April 12th, 2011 at 4:13 pm  

    Congratulations to all agents – you put on a brave face in front of a menacing villain.

  2. Porter Haney
    wrote on April 12th, 2011 at 4:18 pm  

    L_H, we can’t go up, it’s impossible. We can’t go down through the hourglass, it’s impossible too. We must go through the tunnel!

    • Lionel Hutz
      wrote on April 12th, 2011 at 5:14 pm  

      I’ll leave the planning for the retreat up to you.

    • Porter Haney
      wrote on April 12th, 2011 at 5:19 pm  
  3. jemimah
    wrote on April 13th, 2011 at 8:40 am  

    you can tell us, did you really sanction all (three) of them?

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