Wandering in Wildflowers to Wolverine: Wasatch Summertime Schuss

By:  Ben
August 16, 2011

Whenever I go skiing after not going for a couple weeks, it feels a little strange at first. This was my first time on snow since my Suicide Chute adventure with John a few weeks ago. The first few turns on steep, suncupped snow definitely felt off, but soon my balance came rushing back and instinct took over. Skiing is fun!

Kate getting ready to drop in

August turns! Kate still needs to get through October for her 12 month season...

I handed off the camera to Kate and schussed the bottom 2/3 of the run in one glorious section. It was getting late and we only had one headlamp between the two of us, but it was too much fun to pass up on a second run. I shouldered my skis at the bottom of the cirque and started booting back up.

Summertime Schuss at its best

The lower bowl allowed you to open it up some more

For my second run I decided to head up the neighboring chute for a change of pace. It had a very narrow, steep choke that was too melted out to allow skis sideways. A fun little straight-line made for an exciting line.

Cruising down on run 2

Even after 130 days this season skiing still makes me giddy!

We skied out the bottom flats until we got as low as the snow would go. A talas field stretched out in front of us as we switched gears and gear and prepared to hike back up to Twin Lakes pass and summer.

Kate standing triumphantly in front of the cirque

We regained the ridge and watched the sun drop over the Mt. Superior summit ridge just as we began to head down Grizzly Gulch. We knew we were cutting it a little close with daylight, but it’s an easy hike down to the road.

A Cottonwood Evening

On the way down we spotted a mother moose and baby hanging out on the other side of the creek. They started to amble off into the woods once they noticed us, but I got a picture of the baby.

Finally we emerged from the woods and started down the last steep slope to the Albion road. I skied waist deep powder on this road just a few months ago, now we’re waist deep in flowers!

Kate getting some Flower Freshies

What better way to celebrate an August ski day than a barbecue at 10,000 feet? We found a nice spot up in Albion and watched the canyon fade into darkness as the air cooled off and brats cooked on the grill.

A good dinner after a great day

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Read about the author:   Ben
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: The Caboose is Loose


  1. Harvey44
    wrote on August 16th, 2011 at 9:51 pm  

    Great looking TR Ben. What is the pitch on the shot in the third pic on page 1? It looks insane. Great year, way to get it.

    • Ben
      wrote on August 17th, 2011 at 12:09 am  

      Thanks Harvey! It’s not actually as steep as it looks – it’s just a deceptive angle looking at it from across the cirque. Andrew Maclean’s book has it at ~38 degrees, and that sounds reasonable to me (although it probably gets a little steeper as it melts out) There are some really fun steeper lines in the cirque during the winter though!

  2. bushman
    wrote on August 18th, 2011 at 8:21 am  

    Morning….thanks Ben and Kate for August shots. Lots of work for hardtop snow, saw what I suspect is red algae on top? Hey, appreciate the effort, pics, and narrative. And recap photos for last year also topshelf. Like Feb and April best. Been there, done that. Starting to get cool in mornings in East, down to 50’s, cooler in the hills, time to start hiking. Your stuff gets us pumped.

  3. icelanticskier
    wrote on August 18th, 2011 at 8:24 am  

    love the 1 favorite pic per month shots! tells a fine tale!


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