A Little Ditty

March 6, 2012

The fourth day of the cycle brought the kind of powder that would make even the most experienced powder skiers drool like Haney right before a large Thanksgiving Dinner.

Again, Dwyer twisted my arm, and barreled us up a backcountry ridge to enjoy the fruits of Gamma’s labor.

Dwyer knew that sometimes, to get enough speed up, you’ve got to plow yourself a trench.

And with his trench, he was to plane up and get in position to enjoy the pleasures that only powder skiing can bring.

And enjoy it, he did.

Could it really snow for a fifth day in a row? Youbetcha.

The weekend rolled in, and we found that it could indeed nuke for one more day. A five day pummeling of pow. It’s like Porter’s Powder Paradise.

By the generosity of Andy and Kim, we found ourselves on the way to the loveliest of backcountry accommodations – the A Frame.

We skinned in a few loads of supplies. You know, the essentials. Things like tacos, whiskey, and firewood. Our accommodations had set us up for some prime time to enjoy the last day of the storm.

We did some skinning and found just the place.

Again, though, Dwyer stole the show.

Not only did he steal it. He put together on of the most beautiful powder turns these eyes have ever laid themselves upon.

It was a sight to behold, and a sight to celebrate. So celebrate is what we did. With an beautiful evening in anticipation of a sunny day.

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Read about the author:   Porter Haney
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One Comments

  1. christian
    wrote on March 7th, 2012 at 5:09 pm  

    only one PBR on the breakfast table?!?! fail.
    “dwyer gave them more show than tell” youbetcha.

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