Coleman Headwall – Success!

By:  Sam
June 23, 2012

Note: This Trip Report is a few weeks old. In the time that’s passed since Allen and I skied the Coleman Headwall, another party attempted to ski it with tragic and fatal consequences. Though we didn’t know the deceased, his accident has served as a sobering reminder to give the mountains the respect they deserve. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends, particularly those that were skiing with him on that day.

Since my first attempt to ski the Coleman Headwall on Mt. Baker, I’ve felt compelled to return. I didn’t even know I was going to try to ski the line the day we Drew, Reid, and I first tried, but after that day, the idea grew in my head and became an obsession. I made countless attempts (OK, they’re probably countable, I just don’t remember the exact number), and was getting frustrated. I resolved to de-prioritize it and put it out of my mind for this spring. Sometimes though, things have a funny way of working out. Allen and I noticed a lucky break in the weather and took the the opportunity to use it. The plan was to camp at the head of Grouse creek, then climb the North Ridge, and ski the Coleman Headwall. If time and energy allowed, we’d also attempt to ski the Park headwall while we waited for the Coleman Headwall to soften.

A typically slow start had us leaving town around 6pm. We were able to drive within a mile or so of the trailhead, before making fast progress up Grouse Creek in fading light.

Overnight gear and a pile of technical hardware makes for heavy backpacks.

The iPhone – Changing camping forever

See that mess on my skins?- Cog Railway grease. We’ve still got a bit of east coast left.

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Read about the author:   Sam
Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: Schwacked-Out on New Year’s Eve


  1. mtl_ripper / powhounddd
    wrote on June 23rd, 2012 at 12:33 pm  

    Would you like some cheese with your gnarburger?
    8O whoa.

  2. Harvey44
    wrote on June 23rd, 2012 at 8:59 pm  

    That is one great trip report. Thank you very much. Congrats on the accomplishment.

  3. cliffy
    wrote on June 24th, 2012 at 6:37 pm  

    way to get after the high hanging fruit!!!

  4. christian
    wrote on June 24th, 2012 at 7:03 pm  

    left coast loyalties are temporary. cog grease is forever. way to get it boys, SICK!

    • Sam
      wrote on June 24th, 2012 at 7:06 pm  

      You guys should really come visit… west coast inspection week anyone?

  5. savant
    wrote on July 19th, 2012 at 12:43 pm  

    Great TR fellas – sorry I missed the “accident” can you fill me in?

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