
By:  Greg
February 21, 2012

Which brings me to another point: I did a rough calculation, and between the 7 of us, there are over 100 years worth of degrees. That’s kinda scary actually. With all these degrees (M.D, Ph.D, J.D. just to name a few), we still all spend our free time climbing mountains looking for some water colder than 32 degrees Farenheit (or 0 degrees Celcius) on a slope with enough degrees to be fun, but not so many as to be scary. That’s just weird… to some degree.

Anyway, regardless of that curio, the snow was pretty good. Here’s the M.D. in action.
the schussin MD

the M.D. in action

And here’s the J.D.
the schussing J.D.

the J.D. in action

Even an engineer was spotted!
an engineer motoring down the mountain

All good things must come to an end so I’m told, and as the angle between the sun and the horizon shrank to a small number of degrees, we packed it up, and started heading home. As we skinned to a point where we could drop back to the car, I found myself thinking that it’s all about degrees; it’s just a matter of which ones.
all in all a great weekend

Check back in here at FIS later this week for a second TR from The Engineer. ‘Till then, GIT SUM!

PS. We skied a defunct ski area next to the interstate on our way home, and almost got arrested. The J.D. managed to talk our way out of it though. He must have had some Degree anti-perspirant on, that’s for sure!
defunct ski area

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Enjoy this TR? Read another: TR: VTah Part II – February 2009 Storms


  1. Porter Haney
    wrote on February 21st, 2012 at 6:01 pm  

    Someone must have sported some Degree under arms.

    • Greg
      wrote on February 21st, 2012 at 6:30 pm  

      I’m almost positive that’s what helped Lionel talk us out of trouble with the law on our way home…

  2. powhounddd
    wrote on February 21st, 2012 at 8:49 pm  

    they arrest you for skiing closed hills???

    • Micky O (ILOVE2SKI)
      wrote on February 23rd, 2012 at 4:54 pm  

      That’s what I was thinking! Please tell us more!

  3. Jake
    wrote on February 21st, 2012 at 10:37 pm  

    don’t forget all degrease at a certain neuf neuf. Pomegranate iced tea? Ha!

    • Lionel Hutz
      wrote on February 22nd, 2012 at 11:11 am  

      Or the varying “degrees” to which our fine gaucho friends prepared all that tasty selection of meats.

  4. Maxpower
    wrote on February 22nd, 2012 at 1:21 pm  

    Hey if you’re playing math teacher, I’m going to play English teacher.
    When you’re trying to establish a narrative theme, like “degrees”, subtlety is your friend. Using the word every sentence and italicizing it for emphasis is grating on a reader. We get it, this post is about “degrees”, just show us the ski porn please.

    But anyway, great pics, keep up the good work..

    • Greg
      wrote on February 22nd, 2012 at 2:03 pm  

      Sorry about that Max! I’m untrained as a writer (spent all my time in school with science and maths), but I just assume that since I aced the English portion of D’ GREs, my instincts are always correct.

      Frankly, I’m just amazed anyone reads our campy trash at all :D THANKS for reading!!

      PS “subtlety” is not in the vocabulary of the FIS ;)

    • Maxpower
      wrote on February 22nd, 2012 at 4:27 pm  

      Well if it’s camp you’re going for then maybe you ARE doing it right..
      I’m definitely an avid reader of FIS so I’m glad you took that as I intended, some light-hearted constructive criticism.

      PS I’m in the market for a helmet cam, is it worth picking up the Hero 2 over the regular Hero? Those still shots do look pretty cool..

    • Greg
      wrote on February 24th, 2012 at 6:45 am  

      We’re aiming for some blend of ski camp and math camp. Like a camp for athletic nerds. 1000$ per person per week including meals. wait… what??? no… nevermind.

      And YE, I DO have the GoPro 2. I bought it last week, and am really enjoying it. I kinda hate video unless it’s done REALLY well, so I didn’t like the Go Pro 1 since it takes lousy stills, but they REALLY bumped up the still quality on the GoPro 2, and I’ve been loving it. Pretty decent quality low-noise shots in bright light shot at 11 megapixels. It obviously is nothing compared to a SLR, but it’s fast and easy, which an SLR is not… I recommend it pretty highly actually having tooled around with it now for 4 or 5 days, and had decent results. The stills in bright light are really quite good. YOU HAVE TO BE CLOSE to your subject though since it’s such a wide angle lens.

      If you want to buy one and support FIS, buy it HERE.

  5. Whitewoodchuck
    wrote on February 22nd, 2012 at 3:41 pm  

    g – any chance you were accosted by a giant purple PUNsicle just before you wrote this piece? As always nice pics & TR!

    • Greg
      wrote on February 24th, 2012 at 6:45 am  

      bwahaha… um… yes? :D

  6. K_C
    wrote on February 22nd, 2012 at 4:16 pm  

    We needed a photo of the unbelievable odor generated in the Bates Motel…ski boots, damp gear, 2 stinky boys, and a hint of chocolate.

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